高碘酸 - 百度百科
正高碘酸,是一种 无机化合物,化学式为H5IO6,脱水得到偏高碘酸HIO4,进一步脱水则直接分解并最终得到七氧化二碘,主要用作氧化剂和 分析试剂,需要注意一点的是,虽然碘和溴、氯都属于 卤族元素,而且 高溴酸 、 高氯酸 都是 强酸,但高碘酸是 弱酸,而 偏高碘酸 是 强酸,其原因可用 鲍林酸碱经验规律 来解释。 1、高碘酸脱水得到偏高碘酸HIO4,进一步脱水分解得到 五氧化二碘 和氧气。 现代工业大规模生产高碘酸可以通过在碱性条件下氧化 碘酸钠 溶液的方法:可 …
Orthoperiodic acid | H5IO6 | CID 25289 - PubChem
Orthoperiodic acid is an iodine oxoacid. It is a conjugate acid of an orthoperiodate (1-). A strong oxidizing agent. Feikema, Y.D.. The Crystal Structures of Two Oxy-Acids of Iodine. I. A Study of Orthoperiodic Acid, H5 I O6, by Neutron Diffraction. Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967) 1966;20:765-769. pentahydroxy (oxo)-λ 7 -iodane.
Periodic acid - Wikipedia
Periodic acid (/ ˌpɜːraɪˈɒdɪk / per-eye-OD-ik) is the highest oxoacid of iodine, in which the iodine exists in oxidation state +7. It can exist in two forms: orthoperiodic acid, with the chemical formula H5IO6, and metaperiodic acid, which has the formula HIO4. Periodic acid was discovered by Heinrich Gustav Magnus and C. F. Ammermüller in 1833.
orthoperiodic acid | H5IO6 - ChemSpider
ChemSpider record containing structure, synonyms, properties, vendors and database links for orthoperiodic acid, 10450-60-9, Periodic acid, TWLXDPFBEPBAQB-UHFFFAOYSA-N
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有机、无机化合物酸碱解离常数pKa_pKb数据 - 百度文库
compound agoh al(oh)3 as(oh)3 h3 aso 4 h2 aso 4 – haso 4 * as 2 o 3 h3 aso 3 h3 bo 3 h2 b4 o 7 hb4 o 7 be(oh) 2 hbr hobr hocl hclo2 hclo3 hclo4 (70%) ch3 so 3 h hcn h2 co 3 hco 3 h2 cro4 hcro4 hocn hz h2 geo3 ge(oh)4 hi hoi hio3 h4 io6 – h5 io6 hmno4 nh3 oh* nh4 * hn3 hno2 hno3 n2 h5 + h2 n2 o 2 h2 n2 o 2 – h2 oso 5 h2 o h3 o + pb(oh)2 pk ...
H5小游戏合集 - gavinblog.github.io
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