Xi'an H-6 - Wikipedia
The Xi'an H-6 (Chinese: 轰-6; pinyin: Hōng-6) [a] is a twin-engine jet bomber of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF). The H-6 is a license-built version of the Soviet Tupolev Tu-16 and remains the primary bomber aircraft of the People's Republic of China.
China’s H-6 Bomber: Everything You Want to ... - The National …
2016年12月18日 · The H-6 is a Chinese copy of the Tupolev Tu-16 Badger, the Soviet Union’s first jet-powered strategic bomber. China received a few Tu-16s from Russia in 1958–59 and struck a licensed production...
What is the H-6? China releases new photos of nuclear bomber
2024年3月6日 · China's military shared new images of the strategic H-6 bomber conducting an exercise in the country's Eastern Theater Command.
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China’s H-6 Bomber: An Oldie-But-a-Goodie (for China)
2024年6月8日 · Per the Pentagon’s China Military Power Report, the H-6 bomber is the jet that most worries U.S. defense planners, highlighting the significant role it plays in China’s military strategy.
H-6: The Old Chinese Bomber That Has ... - The National Interest
2023年11月22日 · According to U.S. military reports, the latest version of the Chinese strategic bomber is the H-6N, a heavily redesigned version capable of aerial refueling and carrying air-launched cruise...
Chinese PLAAF H-6N pictured carrying large missile
A Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) H-6N bomber aircraft has been pictured carrying a large weapon externally, with imagery of the aircraft captured during its final approach to an airfield in China’s Central Theater Command on 17 October.
Xian H-6 Strategic Bomber Aircraft - Military Factory
2021年7月23日 · China fields the H-6 in both its air force (approx. 80 units) and navy (approx. 30 units) inventories. At its core, the H-6 was classified as a strategic bomber, initially intended to serve as a nuclear bomb deterrent which then gave way to a more conventional bombing role due to advancements in other technologies - particularly of the ...
H-6 – China’s Core Platform Bomber Loading - behorizon.org
2020年11月12日 · China has so far described the H-6N bomber and the future Chinese strategic stealth bomber (H-20) as dual-capable delivery platforms. The PLA is upgrading its bomber with two new ALBMs, one of which may include a nuclear payload .
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