Kawanishi H8K - Wikipedia
The Kawanishi H8K was a large, four-engine aircraft designed for long range and extended endurance on patrols or bombing missions typically flown alone over the ocean. The prototype first flew in January 1941, and H8K1s made their first combat sortie in March 1942.
二式飛行艇 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
本機為川西航空機 九七式飛行艇的後繼機,於1941年(昭和16年)首飛,機型號為「h8k」,在裝備有往復式發動機的飛艇之中本機是性能最強的。 該機種也通稱 二式大艇 或 二式大型飛行艇 ,並被美軍賦予「 Emily 」的代號。
Kawanishi H8K "Emily" - Aviation History
The Kawanishi H8K flying boat (Allied code name "Emily") was an all-metal, four-engine, large-size, Type 2 Flying Boat used by the Imperial Japanese Navy and was considered to be the best flying boat of World War II.
二式飛行艇 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
本機為川西航空機 九七式飛行艇的後繼機,於1941年(昭和16年)首飛,機型號為「h8k」,在裝備有往復式發動機的飛艇之中本機是性能最強的。 該機種也通稱 二式大艇 或 二式大型飛行艇 ,並被美軍賦予「 Emily 」的代號。
H8K (‘Emily’). It was extremely well armoured and equipped with adequate self-sealing tanks and a fuel system incorporating fire extinguishers. Yet the H8K had a fine turn of speed coupled with long endurance— and it was seldom an easy ‘kill’. KAWANISHI DEVELOPMENT: H6K AND H8K
Why This Japanese Plane Is Considered The Most Insane Aircraft …
2025年1月28日 · During World War II, the skies were filled with iconic aircraft from every major power, but few planes had the unique blend of design, capability, and audacity as the Kawanishi H8K. Known to the Allies as “Emily,” this massive Japanese flying boat stood out as one of the most advanced seaplanes of the war.
川西 H8K “晴空”武士们的水上“二式”大艇 - 百家号
2024年3月9日 · 日本使用新型H8K1水上飞机轰炸珍珠港,展示其远程打击能力。 H8K系列飞机经过多次改进,成为二战期间出色的海军飞机。 战争结束后,幸存的H8K飞机被美国俘获并评价极高,最终一架飞机被归还日本并在博物馆展出。 1942年3月5日,平静的夏威夷岛被突如其来的爆炸声打破。 美国军方陷入一片困惑,因为当时的日本航母距离珍珠港尚远,而任何已知的日本轰炸机都无法从最近的基地飞到珍珠港并返回。 直到战争结束,真相才浮出水面:这次轰炸是日本 …
Kawanishi H8K | Aircraft of World War II - WW2Aircraft.net Forums
2006年6月23日 · The Kawanishi H8K flying boat (Allied code name "Emily") was an all-metal, four-engine, large-size, Type 2 Flying Boat used by the Imperial Japanese Navy and was considered to be the best flying boat of World War II.
H8K - NamuWiki
2025年1月27日 · It is a large four-engine flying boat that was put into practical use by the Japanese Navy during World War II . The manufacturer is Kawanishi Aircraft (now Shinmeiwa ). The first flight was in 1941. It is the successor to the H6K Type 97 flying boat. Commonly known as the two-meal daisei. The transport type was given the name Seiku.
History Development Kawanishi H8K | War Thunder Wiki
2024年12月16日 · It possessed a top speed of 240 kt (276 mph), a cruising speed of 180 kt (207 mph) and a maximum patrol range of 4,500 naut miles (5,180 st miles). To meet its extraordinary range requirements, the H8K featured eight unprotected wing fuel tanks and six large hull tanks.