alpha thalassemia, HBA1/HBA2-related - Myriad Women's Health
Alpha thalassemia is caused by harmful genetic changes (variants) in the HBA1 and HBA2 genes. These genes work together to make the alpha globin protein. Most individuals inherit two normal copies of the HBA1 gene (one from each parent) and two normal copies of the HBA2 gene.
Importance of Sequencing HBA1, HBA2 and HBB Genes to …
2022年1月12日 · Mutations in the genes coding the alpha and beta globin chains (HBA1, HBA2 and HBB) strengthen the binding of oxygen to hemoglobin (Hb), bringing about tissue hypoxia and a secondary erythrocytosis. The diagnosis of HOAH is based upon the identification of a mutation in HBA1, HBA2 or HBB in specialized laboratories.
α-地中海贫血的临床实践指南 - 中华医学遗传学杂志
α珠蛋白基因簇位于16号染色体p13.3区,包含3个功能基因,即在胚胎期表达的ζ2 (HBZ)以及胎儿和成人期表达的α2 (HBA2)和α1 (HBA1);此外还包含3个假基因Ψζ1 (HBZps)、Ψα1 (HBA1ps)和Ψα2 (HBM)。
HBA1 Gene - GeneCards | HBA Protein | HBA Antibody
2024年12月25日 · HBA1 (Hemoglobin Subunit Alpha 1) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with HBA1 include Hemoglobin H Disease and Heinz Body Anemias. Among its related pathways are Erythrocytes take up carbon dioxide and release oxygen and Cellular responses to stimuli.
Alpha-Thalassemia - GeneReviews® - NCBI Bookshelf
2005年11月1日 · Molecular genetic testing of the α-globin genes HBA1 and HBA2 can be used to detect α-thalassemia trait or α-thalassemia silent carrier status in at-risk relatives if biallelic pathogenic variants in HBA1 and HBA2 resulting in deletion or inactivation of three (or four) α-globin genes have been detected in a family member with HbH disease ...
Alpha thalassemia: MedlinePlus Genetics
Alpha thalassemia is a blood disorder that reduces the production of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to cells throughout the body. In people with …
Thalassemia - Genes and Disease - NCBI Bookshelf
There are two copies of the hemoglobin alpha gene (HBA1 and HBA2), which each encode an α-chain, and both genes are located on chromosome 16. The hemoglobin beta gene (HBB) encodes the β-chain and is located on chromosome 11. In α-thalassemia, there is deficient synthesis of α-chains.
【佳学基因】什么是地中海贫血?为什么要做地中海贫血症基因检 …
2022年8月2日 · α地中海贫血通常由HBA1和HBA2基因的缺失引起。 这两种基因都参与了血红蛋白的一个蛋白质组分——α-珠蛋白的制造过程。 人体中有两份HBA1基因和两份HBA2基因,每份互为等位基因。 而不同类型的α地中海贫血是由于这些等位基因部分或全部丢失造成的。 什么是β-地中海贫血? β-地中海贫血是由于血红蛋白中的β血红蛋白链有缺损而造成的一种减少血红蛋白产生的血液疾病。 佳学基因解码研究表明患有β地中海贫血症的人会增加异常血凝块的风险。 (一) …
基因检测解读:HBA1和HBA2(α珠蛋白基因) - UpToDate
2024年8月12日 · 本专题将讨论α珠蛋白基因 (HBA1 和 HBA2)检测结果的意义。 这些基因的致病性变异 (常为缺失)可导致α地中海贫血。 α珠蛋白基因检测不能识别β地中海贫血或其他累及β珠蛋白的疾病,如镰状细胞病。 检测指征和受检者的临床医疗详见UpToDate中的其他专题 [1]。 准确性 –确认检测机构是经临床实验室改进法案修正案认证的实验室或其他国家认证实验室 (表 1)。 基因型 –确定检测是否包括α珠蛋白基因测序或一系列变异。 某些实验室仅检测特定的常见变异, …
Alpha Globin (HBA1 and HBA2) Sequencing and …
Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) of the alpha globin gene cluster (HBZ, HBM, HBA1, HBA2, HBQ1) and its HS-40 regulatory region. Analytical Sensitivity and Specificity: 99 percent.