Configurable, reliable, compact, dynamic: U9C is a cost-effective miniature force sensor for compressive and tensile forces for many tasks in production or testing applications. New: Available as cost effective digital sensor with IO-Link interface.
Miniature Load Cell U9C for Tensile and Compressive Force - HBM
The HBK miniature force sensor U9C has gone digital and now features optional IO-Link communication technology, leading to fast measurements, reduced costs, greater efficiency, and increased reliability. At the same time, it offers you all the …
用于拉压力测量的微型力传感器U9C | HBM
HBK微型力传感器U9C现已实现数字化,可以选配IO-Link通信技术,从而实现快速测量、降低成本、提高效率、增强可靠性。 同时,它依然成熟可靠,具备所有您已熟知的优势。
集成放大器的C9C和U9C微型力传感器 | HBM
U9C和C9C系列传感器特别适合快速力测量,放大器模块额定带宽为2kHz,精度等级(0.15)也与微型力传感器(0.2)相匹配。 测量链可在HBM校准实验室按照DKDR3-3或ISO376标准进行校准,以确保符合质量标准和审计要求。
u9c 微型力传感器: 动静态拉压向测量. 结构紧凑, u9c 力传感器具有极高性价比,适合用于空间狭小的应用环境中,进行可靠的拉压向力测量。可以用于静态或高动态测量。其具有非常高的基础频率,因此非常适合用于高动态,快速测量。
All force transducers with 1.5 m cable, open ends and without TEDS. The order no. for the preferred types is 1‐U9C... The order no. for customer‐specific designs is K‐U9C‐. ... All cable lengths can be combined with all plugs. TEDS can only be ordered in conjunction with a plug option. It is not possible to combine TEDS and free cable ends.
HBM 力传感器 U9C_价格-Hottinger Bruel & Kjaer - 仪器信息网
HBK为您提供HBM 力传感器 U9C的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息,压力表U9C,产地江苏,品牌为HBM,HBK客服电话:400-616-7676转1495,售前、售后均可联系。
HBM U9C微型力传感器介绍 - xu-qian.com
hbm u9c 微型力传感器: 动静态拉压向测量 结构紧凑, HBM U9C 力传感器 具有极高性价比,适合用于空间狭小的应用环境中,进行可靠的拉压向力测量。 可以用于静态或高动态测量。
U9C - miniature tension/pressure sensor up to 50kN - HBM
The compact, cost-effective U9C Series is designed for tensile and compressive force measurement in applications where mounting space is limited. The miniature sensor is predestined for static and dynamic applications. Due to the high natural frequency of the sensor, it can also be used for dynamic force measurements.
U9C/50N U9C/500N微型力传感器 德国HBM 用于动静态拉压向测量
这是U9C/50N U9C/500N微型力传感器 德国HBM 用于动静态拉压向测量的详细页面。 品牌:德国HBM,型号:U9C/50N,系列:U9C,传感器类型:应变式力传感器,安装类型:水平安装,应用领域:测量仪器,是否跨境出口专供货源:否,货号:U9C/50N,规格:U9C/50N,U9C/100N,U9C/200N,U9C/500N,U9C/1KN,U9C/2KN,U9C/5KN,U9C/10KN,U9C/20KN,U9C/50KN,适用产品:力传感器。 我们还为您精选了力传感器公司黄页、行业资讯、价格行情、展会信息 …