Sennheiser HD 660 S - Hires Audiophile Open Back Headphone
2017年10月25日 · We optimized the HD 660S for efficiency on a wider range of devices to accommodate the varying levels of power present in output amplification circuitry. At 150 ohms, the HD 660S is the perfect partner for dedicated amplifiers, A/V receivers, and digital audio players (DAPs)—the magnet is more powerful than its predecessors, and thus easier ...
- 4.6/5(1)
HD 660S | Sennheiser United States
We packed your HD 660S with a versatile set of essential cables, each one impedance-matched with ultra-low capacitance. Sennheiser's HD 660S audiophile headphones offer the ultimate listening experience, no matter what device you're using. Discover our range now!
傳奇再延續 – SENNHEISER HD660S 開箱評測 (聲海HD650後繼 …
2018年3月8日 · HD660S的高頻有別於舊世代HD6XX系列較暗的聽感,屬於較通透明亮的走向,延伸部分滑順耐聽,在提琴部分延展度相當足夠卻也不會過度凌厲,也有別於我的鐵家舊耳罩較細不真實的高頻,具有相當適中的厚度,讓整體表現相當均衡。 中頻我覺得是HD660S最大的賣點,人聲位置在中央感覺被樂器包圍,人聲厚實相當耐聽,不管在男聲女聲都有相當不錯的表現,且人聲結像相當清楚,我個人”私心覺得”比鐵家人聲還毒,鼓點明確,並彈性十足,可以很明確感受 …
Sennheiser Consumer Audio HD 660S2 - Wired Audiophile Stereo …
High-end Sennheiser headphones like the HD 600, HD 650, and HD 660S are known for their balanced, natural sound. The HD 660S2 shares this legacy with a revised 300-ohm coil for cleaner impulse response, a compliant surround for lower resonant frequency, and optimized airflow for better sensitivity.
如何评价森海塞尔HD660S? - 知乎
介于660中高频延伸性,或者说全频的频响平直程度,通透感最佳。 高频在hd6三者中最“正确”(不代表真实),亮度很高,且非常顺滑,可比某些参考级设备,但是韵味贵气及蓬松自然方面比不上某些旗舰及老耳机。
【耳边评测】四千元档大耳机力作——森海塞尔HD 660S2体验谈_ …
2023年3月1日 · HD 660S2提供了6.35mm单端线、4.4mm平衡线、6.35母转3.5公转换线,两根耳机线的插针沿用了HD 660S的标准,比较牢固。 HD 660S2在外观设计上依然是我们熟悉的样子,从外观上看,两代耳机造型设计也基本没太大变化,较为显眼的只是原本银白色的logo换用了玫 …
HD 660S | 森海塞尔中国 - Sennheiser
hd 660 驱动单元使用了一种精密设计、性能卓越的不锈钢编织网。
森海塞尔hd600 与 hd660S2 对比 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
森海塞尔hd600 VS hd660S2,用的 山灵m7,淘宝 甲苯soundbar 试听的耳机. “最后总结” 这俩耳机简直了,感觉S2的低音很强,原来这就是造成氛围感超强的原因。 从600换到S2的总是有 (惊喜),氛围低音.强!烈!惊喜! 我是不舍得不要S2. 你得先听600,然后赶紧换S2找惊喜。 再换回去,再回来 (此处试听音乐: 殉道者) 弦乐更喜人的hd600. S2其他可以,但是背景的提琴就,比600少了个感觉。 但是S2低音强,氛围强,鼓点强,偶尔夹杂的钢琴震撼。 S2的宏伟感,气势感很强 …
Sennheiser 森海塞爾 HD 660 S 開放式耳罩耳機 - 宙宣
經典HD 650機種全新進化; 全新研發新世代單體技術; 阻抗150Ω,更容易驅動; 解析力及細節表現更出色; 內含4.4mm平衡耳機線
Sennheiser HD660S Review (Headphone) - Audio Science Review …
2022年6月8日 · This is a review and detailed measurements of the Sennheiser HD660 S open-back headphone. It is on kind loan from a member and costs US $400. You would be hard pressed telling it apart from the similarly numbered Sennheiser headphones which is not a bad thing. Note: The measurements you are about to see are made using a standardized Gras 45C.
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