HDB | Check Resale Flat Prices - Housing and Development Board
You can also check the resale transacted prices using the HDB Map Services It allows you to search for: Resale transacted prices within 200 metres from any HDB Block or DBSS Site/Project; Resale transacted prices for all flat types in each block
8,212 HDB Flats for Sale in Singapore - PropertyGuru Singapore
View reSale HDB prices all in one place. Find 8,186 HDB Flats for Sale on PropertyGuru, Asia's Top Influential Brands. Simply filter accordingly and you can find various HDB reSale prices that suit your budget.
HDB | Resale Statistics - Housing & Development Board
Resale flat prices. Use our HDB Map Services to get past resale transacted prices for specific locations, for example, in a particular block or street. You may also check past HDB resale transacted prices (up to 2 years) by flat type and town/ street.
Resale Flats Singapore, HDB for Rent & Sale Listings ...
Browse Singapore resale flats, HDB for rent, and HDB for sale on PropertyGuru Singapore. We have the most complete information on HDB flats, HDB news and guides, HDB estates, HDB towns, HDB resale, and HDB flats for sale and rent.
HDB | Buying Procedure for Resale Flats
Prepare for your buying journey by learning about the considerations and steps involved in buying a resale flat, such as applying for an HDB Flat Eligibility (HFE) letter, finding a flat, choosing the mode of financing, entering into an Option to Purchase, and submitting a Request for Value.
HDB | HDB InfoWEB e-Services : Submit Resale Applications and ...
Buyers who intend to buy a resale flat by using their CPF moneys or a housing loan must submit a request to HDB to confirm the value that will form the basis for determining the housing loan and CPF usage.
HDB | Official Launch of Resale Flat Listing Service on HDB ...
2024年5月30日 · The RFL service on the HDB Flat Portal has been officially launched today, on 30 May 2024. Prospective HDB flat buyers and their appointed property agents can now browse the resale flat listings and carry out transactions directly with the flat sellers or the sellers’ appointed property agents.