PC-ALE file support site - N2CKH
2009年7月31日 · ALE^STAT REPORTING TOOL ALE^Stat for PC-ALE v1.062H Build 6 and later. The new ALE^Stat back end tool developed by Perry, K4PWO for all users to make …
1998年4月23日 · The United States has developed a series of HF radio standards that characterize and specify protocols and parameters for automatic link establishment (ALE), …
The HF SSB transceiver predominately available to these units is the AN/PRC-150(C) HF-ALE tactical transceiver, where the new AN/PRC-160(V) is also now being fielded. It is a level of …
It is recommended that the Host PC running the MARS-ALE software the HF SSB radio equipments be properly configured and dedicated to ALE operations or that a detailed check …
About HFIE High Frequency Interoperability Exercise (HFIE) is a readiness exercise event to test radio stations and radio operator practice for HF interoperability communications using …
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In addition, the HAGR HF SSB receiver can be used to free the normal two-way radio for other communications uses given suitable additional antenna and required antenna isolation or HF …
An HF-ALE transceiver deals with the PA filter relay issue by the ALE modem/controller board BYPASS signaling during scanning. Thus radios like the Kenwood TK-90 and Vertex VX-1700 …
The list of currently supported radios in MARS-ALE v3.00 is quite long, it includes Amateur, Marine, Land Mobile and Military grade transceivers. Many make/models were manufactured …
New COTS ALE radios have come down, one manufacturer offers an HF transceiver with ALE option when all configured for about $1,500USD that actually works properly to FED-STD …
The HF profile provides interoperability at the two major interfaces: first, the “common air interface”, describing how information is exchanged between nodes by radio; and second, the …