high SWR at radio only when amplifier turned on
2009年11月18日 · "high SWR at radio only when amplifier turned" With an amplifier in-line you check SWR after the amplifier with an external meter. Do not use the radio's SWR meter. …
High SWRs with Dipole - WorldwideDX Radio Forum
2011年7月10日 · I recently bought a dipole antenna from Ebay. It is very well made and I hooked it up last night and the skip came rolling in. But my problem is that I have high SWRs. I have it …
SWR Meter Placement For Tuning With Amplifier - WorldwideDX …
2022年1月7日 · SWR antenna tuning. From what I read for amps the SWR should be less than 1.5 going in. I see many talk about where the SWR Meter goes and most say by the radio or …
swr goes up when amp is used | WorldwideDX Radio Forum
2005年4月15日 · Anyone know why and if it is normal for the swr to go up when amp is on and in use? I have an ameritron al-811 and the swr on the radio is 1.2 to 1 when talking on radio …
High swr between radio & amp - WorldwideDX Radio Forum
2007年7月10日 · Good afternoon. When I use my Boomer 250 to drive my Heathkit SB-200, I have no problems with SWR. But when I use my HF rig (Yaesu FT-ONE) to drive the Heathkit, …
Why is my SWR always changing???? - WorldwideDX Radio Forum
2016年7月22日 · I've seen SWR spike up by about 0.3 because a car passed over 30 feet away when my VNA was scanning my antenna on my SUV. I have also seen spikes in SWR …
HIGH SWR PROTECTION? - WorldwideDX Radio Forum
2013年7月28日 · Some amplifiers and I believe HF's have a feature that bypasses the amp in the case of high swr. If I'm correct some if not all newer transceivers also have some type of …
high swr when amp on. flat swr when amp off - WorldwideDX …
2009年2月15日 · getting this reading from swr meter in radio. meter is accurate because i checked the reading (before amp was installed) against paradynamics meter and reading was …
Fairly new to HF, MFJ-941D Tuner has me all confused...
2014年3月30日 · Since HF is pretty much all SSB, and you can't take an swr reading in SSB mode (no carrier), at this point I'll switch over to FM mode and drop my power level to 15ish …
Connecting radio to linear then to swr\\watt meter?
2017年5月29日 · From the amplifier's output you can feed that signal to the antenna, OR, to a watt meter to be measured (input of the watt meter/SWR meter) which then comes out to go to …