Has anybody hands and/or feet grown from using HGH
2020年10月21日 · Yes, I'm aware of the water retention but even giving it a week break feet only go down a little bit hands and wrist go down more. I agree a lot of it is water weight but I've definitely have significant bone/ cartilage growth in the feet. I'm using on average 6 iu per day.
Does HGH make your hands bigger? - The Hormone Hub
The limited data suggests exogenous HGH does not dramatically increase hand size in deficient adults. This indicates major enlargement of hands in healthy adults using HGH is even more unlikely. There are some theoretical reasons why synthetic HGH would not be expected to increase hand size substantially in adults:
hgh hands : r/armwrestling - Reddit
2022年11月17日 · First off a common side effect of hgh is thickening of bones, predominantly in the face, hands and feet. Long term use of high dose hgh will cause this. You can see it in Dennis, Levan and to an extent Devon. Second, they work their hands specifically for size and strength.
HGH (Growth Hormone) - An Overview - Steroid Cycles
2025年2月28日 · Many HGH users will experience pain in the joints, muscles, and/or nerves. Some will develop carpal tunnel syndrome, where a nerve that goes into the hand is compressed due to swelling. This can cause tingling and numbness in the fingers, pain, and hand weakness. HGH is known to cause water retention, with the wrists being a common problem area.
HGH: Side Effects in Men and Women - Healthline
2023年5月5日 · Side effects include nerve, muscle, or joint pain, swelling of the arms and legs, and high cholesterol. Human growth hormone (hGH) is a naturally occurring hormone produced by the pituitary...
Human Growth Hormone (HGH): Benefits, Risks, and Uses - WebMD
2024年5月1日 · Human growth hormone (HGH), also called somatotropin, is a hormone that the pituitary gland, which is about the size of a pea and found at the base of your brain, makes and...
Negative Side Effects While Using HGH | Healthfully
HGH injections may cause swelling of the hands, feet, arms or legs. This swelling may go away during treatment or with reduction in dosage or usage. Another side of effect of HGH use is musculoskeletal discomfort with muscle or joint pain and aches or stiffness in the hands and feet.
Misc - HGH for bigger hands - Bluelight.org
2012年1月20日 · My hands are proportionally small compared to my body, I was planning on using a cycle of hgh as a solution to increase the size/length of my hands/fingers. There has been mixed reviews as to whether hgh increases bone (s) size/length in the body and will 1 or more cycles of hgh increases my fingers/ hands and/or other parts of my body.
Has anyone else noticed their hands and feet getting bigger?
HGH and some GH secretagogues like GHRP-6, MK-677, etc are also very well known to cause water retention in some. Usually it's most noticeable in the face, ankles, wrists, hands/fingers, feet/toes. I'm not sure if it has to reach a certain severity to be considered "edema" but I'd bet it's definitely some degree of water retention causing this ...
HGH users - have you noticed your hands becoming bigger?
2023年1月6日 · I've got small hands for a 23 year old male and I'm wondering if HGH can help with that. I've read various opinions with the most common one being…