HH Audio - PS8
The PS8 is a full-range 2-way passive point source speaker that comprises 1 x 8” low-frequency driver alongside 1 x 2” high frequency compression driver with a maximum SPL of 126dB (Peak). The PS8 has a horizontal dispersion angle of 90°, and a vertical dispersion angle of 60°.
赫柏音響,產品介紹 > NEXO PS8
品牌型號 : NEXO PS8 8"二音路喇叭 建議擴大機功率:200 to 500W 目錄下載
HH Electronics PS8 - ProPlugin
The PS8 is a full-range 2-way passive point source speaker that comprises 1 x 8” low-frequency driver alongside 1 x
Zapco DSP8 vs ARC PS8 vs Alpine H800 vs Mosconi 6 to8 vs...
2013年7月24日 · The PS8 is the most capable unit by a wiiiiiiiiide margin and its not even close. It can be finicky to set up but once you get it dialed in its a phenomenal unit. Larger footprint than the 6to8 but smaller than the H800. It's the shortest of the three which might be better in your install. You can also take it apart and paint it which is cool.
kW、HP、PS分得清吗?聊发动机功率单位 - 搜狐
2015年8月12日 · 而HP这个单位也就是Horse Power的略称。 公制马力PS也叫米制马力,规定1公制马力是在1秒钟内完成75千克的重物提高1米的功。 由于“马力(HP:Horse Power)”这个词被广泛使用,但英制马力使用的却是英制单位来定义和计算的,这与国际标准单位之间的换算很麻烦,因此人们就用国际标准单位定义了在数值上与英制马力大体相当的“马力(PS)”。 而PS这个单位最早是在德国使用,即德语的Pferde(马) Starke(力)两个单词的简称。 3、单位的换算 …
HH Electronics - PS8 - 8" 2 Yollu Pasif Hoparlör / 126dB / 800W ...
PS8, 1 x 8” düşük frekanslı sürücü ile birlikte 1 x 2” yüksek frekanslı sıkıştırma sürücüsünün bulunduğu, maksimum 126 dB (Tepe) SPL'ye sahip, tam aralıklı 2 yollu pasif nokta kaynaklı hoparlördür.
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HH - PS8
The PS8 is a full-range 2-way passive point source speaker that comprises 1 x 8” low-frequency driver alongside 1 x 2” high frequency compression driver with a maximum SPL of 126dB (Peak). The PS8 has a horizontal dispersion angle of 90°, and a vertical dispersion angle of 60°.
Bombardier–Alstom HHP-8 - Wikipedia
The Bombardier–Alstom HHP-8 (High Horse Power 8000) is a twin-cab electric locomotive built for Amtrak and MARC by a consortium of Bombardier and Alstom. Its electrical system was based on Alstom's BB 36000 locomotive.
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