Heckler & Koch G36 - Wikipedia
The Heckler & Koch G36 (Gewehr 36) is an assault rifle designed in the early 1990s by German weapons manufacturer Heckler & Koch. It is chambered in 5.56×45mm NATO, and replaced the heavier G3 battle rifle chambered in 7.62×51mm. [1] . The G36 was accepted into service with the Bundeswehr in 1997. [2] .
HK G36突擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
G36 是 德國 黑克勒-科赫 公司(H&K)在1995年推出的 現代化 突擊步槍,發射 5.56×45毫米北約 制式 子彈,用以取代同为H&K公司产品的 G3 步枪。 G36大量采用了以不锈钢为骨架的玻璃钢加强复合材料,因此武器重量较轻便。 [1] 在开发阶段其型号为 HK50。 黑克勒-科赫在1980年代已向德軍提交了 G11 及 G41,但前者因兩德統一而中止,後者則被德軍否決。 1990年代, 德國聯邦國防軍 提出新的制式步槍計劃,以取代 7.62×51毫米 的 HK G3。
G36 - Heckler & Koch
The G36 is an indirect gas-operated weapon with rotating bolt head in calibre 5.56 mm x 45 NATO. The receiver of the G36 is made of glass-fibre reinforced polymer, resulting in a low overall weight... Probably the most outstanding feature of the G36 is its extraordinarily high reliability.
HK G36突擊步槍 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
2007年6月27日 · G36 是 德國 黑克勒-科赫 公司(H&K)在1995年推出的 現代化 突擊步槍,發射 5.56×45公釐北約 制式 子彈,用以取代同為H&K公司產品的 G3 步槍。 G36大量採用了以不鏽鋼為骨架的玻璃纖維加強複合材料,因此武器重量較輕便。 [1] 在開發階段其型號為 HK50。 黑克勒-科赫在1980年代已向德軍提交了 G11 及 G41,但前者因兩德統一而中止,後者則被德軍否決。 1990年代, 德國聯邦國防軍 提出新的制式步槍計劃,以取代 7.62×51公釐 的 HK G3。
G36K突击步枪 - 百度百科
G36K(K是德语Kurz的缩写,意为“短”)是为特种部队和经常乘坐装甲车的机械化步兵设计的,枪管长320mm,护木也比 G36 短得多。 由于枪管缩短了160mm,火药气体并不能完全燃烧,因此G36K采用了与标准型G36不相同的大型四叉型消焰器,不能发射枪榴弹也不能安装刺刀。 G36K较短的尺寸使其非常适合战斗车辆成员、特种部队和执法部门,它介于HK公司的老产品HK33K和HK53之间,与M4A1、SIG 551和伽利尔SAR属同类产品。 但没有MG36式的两脚架(如果勉 …
Heckler & Koch G-36, HK G-36C and HK G-36K Assault Rifle
2011年4月1日 · The HK G-36 Assault Rifle has a folding buttstock for use in tight spaces; light and easy to fold and unfold, the stock is also the G-36s biggest fault, since it tends to crack or just fall off. Much of the HK G-36 Assault Rifle is constructed of high-impact plastic reinforced with carbon-fiber polymer, and the carrying handle incorporates a 3x ...
H&K G36 Rifle Review | If You Can't Take the Heat ... - Gunivore
2020年9月15日 · The HK G36 boasts a pretty impressive record around the world but recent findings have nearly halted its use in modern warfare. Although its future is bleak, the German rifle has an important past that will cement it as one of the most significant rifles of the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Heckler & Koch G36K - SWAT Survival | Weapons | Tactics
As with the HK MP5, the G36 uses a modular design, which allows it to be reconfigured quickly. Its hammerforged barrel is free-floating, which enhances accuracy. As with the G3, it can be stripped for maintenance without tools, using a cross-pin system.
Heckler & Koch HK36 - Wikipedia
The HK36 was an experimental assault rifle introduced by Heckler & Koch in the early 1970s. At the time, research in small-caliber military cartridges had become more popular thanks to the United States' adoption and combat use of the M16 and its 5.56×45mm round. [citation needed]
The "little brother" to the G36 full size rifle, the G36K is a mid-size carbine with a 12.5 inch barrel. A popular civilian police patrol rifle, the G36K is the ideal firearm for situations where a full size …