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Heckler & Koch | Heckler & Koch
Heckler & Koch is one of the world's leading manufacturers of handguns with firm roots in Germany. For more than 70 years.
Pistols - HK USA - Heckler & Koch
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Rifles - HK USA - Heckler & Koch
Showing all 10 resultsRifles, Upper Receiver Kit
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Company - HK USA
For over half a century, Heckler & Koch has been a leading designer and manufacturer of small arms and light weapons for law enforcement and military forces worldwide. HK is also the maker of premier brand firearms for the sporting and commercial markets.
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HK polymer molding technology led to the introduction of another synthetic framed HK handgun, the futuristic-looking VP70. Heckler & Koch pioneered the use of polymers more than fifteen years before competing firms. Today, HK remains a technology leader in the use of innovative and high-strength polyamides.