Hong Kong Fir Shipping Ltd v Kisen Kaisha - 1962
Hong Kong Fir Shipping Ltd v Kisen Kaisha Ltd (1962) EWCA Civ 7. Construction of contractual terms as ‘conditions’ and repudiatory breach of contract. Facts. Ship owners let the vessel, Hongkong fir, to charterers for a period of 24 months. Clause 1 of the contract obliged the owners to deliver a “seaworthy” vessel and Clause 3 further ...
Hong Kong Fir Shipping Co Ltd v Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd
Hong Kong Fir Shipping Co Ltd v Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd [1962] 2 QB 26 [1961] EWCA Civ 7 is a landmark English contract law case. It introduced the concept of innominate terms, a category between "warranties" and "conditions".
Flight information region - Wikipedia
In aviation, a flight information region (FIR) is a specified region of airspace in which a flight information service and an alerting service (ALRS) are provided. [1] The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) delegates which country is responsible for the operational control of …
Airspace - Civil Aviation Department
The Air Traffic Management Division of Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department (CAD) is responsible for the provision of air traffic control service, flight information service and alerting service within the Hong Kong Flight Information Region (FIR) as designated by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
Hong Kong Aeronautical Information Services
You are advised to visit Hong Kong Aeronautical Information Services website from time to time for the current aeronautical information publications and circulars that you are interested in. The information you provide will only be used for purposes related to your subscription (please also see our Privacy policy).
F.I.R.飛兒樂團 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
F.I.R. 飛兒樂團,是一個台灣樂團,最初由主唱Faye飛(詹雯婷)、吉他手 阿沁 (黃漢青)、鍵盤手 陳建寧 組成。 現役成員只餘下 陳建寧。 F.I.R.2002年成立 [1],三位成員為主唱 詹雯婷 (飛)、鍵盤手 陳建寧 、吉他手黃漢青(阿沁)。 原團名為「Kiss in Reality」(真實之吻),縮寫為「K.I.R.」。 華納唱片 簽約後,將團名取為“F.I.R.”,取自三位成員英文名Faye、Ian、Real第一個字母,同時也是“Fairyland In Reality”(真實中的夢幻仙境)的縮寫 [1]。 華納唱片將中文團名 …
Hong Kong FIR | Flight Information Region - Metar-Taf.com
Showing 1-50 of 109 items. 这些机场在Hong Kong的飞行情报区(FIR)内。
香港飞行情报区 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
香港飞行情报区 是 国际民用航空组织 设定的、 中华人民共和国十一个飞行情报区 之一。 由 香港特别行政区政府 民航处 航空交通管理部负责管理。 范围包括香港及以南海域,覆盖 南中国海 面积达276,000平方公里 [1],亦覆盖 中华民国实控 的 東沙群島 (东沙岛)。 香港飛行情報區形狀有如一枚果仁,北面紧贴 广州飞行情报区,自香港東面約200海里至 台北飛航情報區;東南面約200海里至馬尼拉飛行情報區,西面約200海里及西南面為三亞飛行情報區 [2]。 《中英联合声明》 …
Current FIR Status - Exort to excel - International Civil Aviation ...
Current FIR Status State FIR ... Hong Kong: VHHK: APAC: Primary POC Ms. Ginny TSE email: [email protected] Tel: (852) 2910 6252 - office hour (852) 9091 9755 - after office hour. Secondary POC Ms. Teresa TAM email: [email protected] Tel: (852) 2591 5337 - office hour (852) 9182 8929 - after office hour.
The Hongkong Fir (1961) - Academia.edu
In this analysis of the Hongkong Fir case I argue that close consideration of the case law, coupled with an appreciation of the historical background, reveals certain flaws in the current general understanding of the decision.