HK Grotesk Font Family - 1001 Fonts
HK Grotesk is a sans serif typeface inspired from the classical grotesques. The goal in designing HK Grotesk is to create a more friendly and distinguishable typeface that is suitable for small text. Released with the SIL Open Font License — this typeface may be used in personal and commercial projects.
字型下載 – 自由香港字型 - Open Source Hong Kong
2017年1月13日 · 1.「自由香港楷書 (Free HK Kai)」 (下稱本字型) 是根據香港特別行區教育局課程發展處中國語文教育組於2012年所編制出版的《常用字字形表 (2007年重排本)》為楷書字型基礎作出修改。 2.本字型為「自由香港楷書」4700字版,根據《常用字字形表 (2007年重排本)》共有4,762個小學生常用字。 3.本字型修改來源於台灣全字庫正楷體 (中華民國行政院國家發展委員會,CNS11643中文標準交換碼全字庫網站,http://www.cns11643.gov.tw )。 1. 本字型以 CC …
HK Grotesk Font Free by Hanken Design Co. » Font Squirrel
2016年3月22日 · HK Grotesk is a sans serif typeface inspired from the classical grotesques. The goal in designing HK Grotesk is to create a more friendly and distinguishable typeface that is …
Noto Sans Hong Kong - Google Fonts
Noto Sans HK is an unmodulated (“sans serif”) design for languages in Hong Kong that use the Traditional Chinese variant of the Han ideograms. It also supports Latin, Cyrillic,...
HongKong Font Family - Download Free Font
2022年5月5日 · HongKong is a great font for the tech industry, but could also be put to good use to advertise music or art. HongKong Sans Serif Font is provided to you by Indian Type Foundry . Free for personal, non-profit use.
香港字體整合 | 收錄免費收費香港字體 — THE PADDING
2024年12月9日 · 昭源宋體 (Chiron Sung HK) 和昭源黑體 (Chiron Hei HK) 是為繁體中文使用者而設、採用現代筆形風格、平衡標準字形和印刷體慣用筆形以適合作熒幕顯示和印刷用途的免費中文字體。
Hanken Grotesk - Google Fonts
Hanken Grotesk is a sans serif typeface inspired by the classic grotesques. Geometry, metrics, punctuations and OpenType features have been updated to support a wide range of projects such as...
HK Grotesk Font Family - Dafont Free
2022年2月13日 · HK Grotesk Font Family is an original sans serif typeface derived from historical grotesques. The primary goal was to produce an accessible yet distinct font suitable for text with small sizes; with the SIL Open Font License in place, its use may also be taken up commercially. This font is free for PERSONAL AND COMMERCIAL USE.
Hong Kong Traditional Chinese Subset - Adobe Fonts
Source Han Serif is a modern Mincho-style typeface family, which is a counterpart to Source Han Sans. The family has seven weights. It covers a wide range of usage from composition of body texts to display lines. Each of the Source Han Serif HK fonts have approximately 21,000 glyphs needed for Hong Kong.