University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - Eta Kappa Nu
Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) strives to assist its members and those in the broader Illinois ECE community throughout their lives in becoming better professionals by encouraging its …
Home - IEEE Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN)
IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN), the honor society of IEEE, promotes excellence in the profession and in education with ideals of Scholarship, Character and Attitude.
Eta Kappa Nu - Wikipedia
Eta Kappa Nu (ΗΚΝ) or IEEE-HKN is the international honor society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [2][3] Joining HKN is by invitation only. [4]
Eta Kappa Nu (HKN), Mu Chapter
Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) is the national Electrical and Computer Engineering honor society. The Berkeley chapter is among the most active engineering societies at Berkeley, providing …
Home [hkn.gtorg.gatech.edu]
Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) is the international honor society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), founded in October 1904 by Maurice L. Carr at the University of Illinois at …
Prospective Members/Benefits - IEEE Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN)
Were you invited to join IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN)? Make one of the most important steps toward your future success by becoming an active member. Membership in IEEE-HKN not …
About Us – Eta Kappa Nu | Kappa Psi
Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN) is the official engineering student honor society of IEEE and is dedicated to encouraging and recognizing excellence in IEEE fields of interest.
Eta Kappa Nu Beta Chapter - Purdue University
Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) is an Honor Society for students who excel in the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering.The Beta Chapter was formed in 1905 and has since been continually …
Eta Kappa Nu - Engineering and Technology History Wiki - ETHW
IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN) is the honor society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The organization promotes excellence in the profession and in education …
Eta Kappa Nu | Kappa Psi – HKN@UCSD
Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) Kappa Psi is the engineering honor society for ECE, CSE, MAE, BENG, MATH-CS, COGS-ML, and DSC at UC San Diego.