HKUST SPD | The Institutional Repository
HKUST SPD contains HKUST Research Outputs in all forms and hosts the HKUST Scholar Profiles.
Guide to HKUST Scholarly Publications Database
SPD is a subset of the HKUST Institutional Repository (IR). It contains an index of HKUST scholarly publications, and hosts the HKUST Scholar Profiles which feature researcher’s output, impact and expertise. The IR, on the other hand, curates HKUST research output in all forms; it provides the entry point to SPD, HKUST Theses and DataSpace@HKUST.
Information for Authors - HKUST SPD | The Institutional Repository
The HKUST SPD - Institutional Repository (IR) is managed by library professionals to provide open and perpetual access to your research output. Documents are safely stored in the Library server.
HKUST IR(香港科技大学图书馆机构知识库)
2023年2月27日 · 由香港科技大学图书馆用Dspace软件开发的一个数字化学术成果存储与交流知识库,收录由该校教学科研人员和博士生提交的学术论文、会议论文、预印本、学位论文、研究与技术报告和工作论文等,旨在以数字形式永久保存香港科技大学的学术研究成果。 文献由香港科技大学的科学科研人员在线提交。 上一条: 中国高校系列专业期刊 下一条: 网易慕课平台. 【关闭】
科大委任邝家陞工程师为首任副校长(发展) - hkust.edu.hk
2024年9月16日 · 香港科技大学(科大)(https://www.hkust.edu.hk/) 是国际知名的大学,致力推动创新教学、卓越研究及具影响力的知识转移。 科大着重为学生提供全面及跨学科的教学,于《泰晤士高等教育全球年轻大学排名榜2024》中排行第三,并有12个科目跻身《2024年QS 世界大学学科排名》全球50强,其中「数据科学及人工智能」学科更位列全球第10,为本地大学之首。 此外,科大在全球大学就业能力排名中,一直位处全球首30名以内,反映毕业生极具竞争力。 …
Publication Process - Science Research - LibGuides at Hong Kong ... - HKUST
2025年2月25日 · Post your article to an open access institutional (HKUST Institutional Repository - HKUST IR) or subject repositories such as arXiv, PubMed Central, or PLOS ONE to reach out to more readers. Advantages of the HKUST IR: Provides open and perpetual residence for research output, using a robust, standard-compliant infrastructure.
FTIR spectra of IL, HKUST-1, and HKUST-IL. - ResearchGate
Therefore, in this study, the surface-wrapped ILs act as the wetting and binding agents to provide favorable HKUST-1/IL and IL/polymer adhesion, thereby eliminating micron-sized filler/polymer...
Ir John KWONG was appointed Vice-President for Development with effect from 26 September 2024. ... VPD ensures effective project delivery to support HKUST’s leadership in education, research, and innovation, while establishing governance frameworks that enhance operational efficiency. Additionally, VPD strengthens industry partnerships to ...
Ir John KWONG, BSc, MSc, MA, LLM, MHKIE, FICE, BBS - hkust…
Ir John KWONG was appointed Vice-President for Development with effect from 26 September 2024. Ir Kwong is the founding Head of the Project Strategy and Governance Office of the Development Bureau of the HKSAR Government.
Tag - institutional repository - library.hkust.edu.hk
Self-archiving at a site controlled by the authors or institutions HKUST researchers can archive their work at the HKUST Institutional Repository (IR) created and managed by the Library. If the work is published or to be published in a journal, depending on the terms on the copyright transfer agreement that the authors sign, the authors may ...