HM05 - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia
HM05 is the only HM that has changed moves within a generation, from Defog in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum to Whirlpool in HeartGold and SoulSilver. HM05 has contained the most different moves of any HM, teaching four different moves throughout the series.
HM05 | Pokémon items - Pokémon Database
HM05 teaches a special move to a compatible Pokémon. HM05 is: Flash in Generations 1-3; Defog in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum; Whirlpool in HeartGold/SoulSilver; Waterfall in Generations 5-6; Once learned, HM moves cannot be forgotten unless the Pokémon is taken to a Move Deleter located in each region.
秘传学习器05 - 神奇宝贝百科,关于宝可梦的百科全书
秘传学习器学会的招式可以用于对战,亦可在对战外使用。除了第五世代,在对战外使用时需要获得特定的徽章。 秘传学习器05(日文︰ ひでんマシン05 ,英文︰hm05)是:
HM05 - Pokémon Wiki | Fandom
HM05 is a HM introduced in Generation I. As a HM, the move it teaches can be used in battle and outside of battle, however, with the exception of Generation V, in order to use the move outside of battle, a certain gym badge is required.
Flash (move) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon …
2025年3月6日 · It was HM05 from Generations I to III and TM70 from Generations IV to VI, as well as in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Serebii.net ItemDex - HM05
HM05 - Lists all details for the item including descriptions and locations across all Pokémon games
How To Obtain HM05 Flash - Pokemon FireRed - Super Cheats
HM05 is none other than the move known as Flash. HM Flash can be obtained from Professor Oak's Aide on the northwest side of Route 2, the side only accessible by going through Diglett Cave near Vermilion City, by meeting his Pokedex Requirement. HM Flash will allow you to light up dark caves, primarily Rock Tunnel found on Route 10.
Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald HM chart and Pokémon compatibility
Below are all the Pokémon from Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald with the HMs they can learn. The HMs were once again changed in this generation - HM06 was changed from Whirlpool to Rock Smash, and HM08 Dive was added.. The Pokémon can be filtered by ticking the checkboxes.
HM - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia
Defog and Whirlpool, which replace each other in the Sinnoh- and Johto-based games, are both HM05. Generation IV is the only generation in which two moves share the same HM number. Dive is the only HM in Generation V that is not found in a different location between Pokémon Black and White and Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 .
Red/Blue/Yellow HM chart and Pokémon compatibility
Interactive checklist of the Hidden Machines (HMs) found in Pokémon Red, Blue & Yellow, their locations and which Pokémon can learn them.