HMC-1 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
HMC-1细胞 是一种人 肥大细胞 细胞系,1988年分离自一位52岁的 肥大细胞白血病 (英语:Mast cell leukemia) 男性患者 [1],用於肥大细胞的 科學研究 [2][3]。
HMC-1.1 人肥大细胞系 - Sigma-Aldrich
HMC-1细胞系是从一名肥大细胞白血病患者中建立的。 HMC-1细胞广泛用于人类肥大细胞功能的研究,因为它们表现出组织肥大细胞的许多关键特征,例如组胺,类胰蛋白酶,肝素的表达和相似的细胞表面抗原谱(1,2)。
Description and Characterization of a Novel Human Mast Cell Line …
Mast cells are known to play a major role in innate and acquired immunity. Since 1988, a number of cell lines have been described, including HMC-1 (Human Mast Cell leukemia-1), LAD2 (Laboratory of Allergic Diseases 2), LUVA (Laboratory of …
Cellosaurus cell line HMC-1 (CVCL_0003)
Establishment of an immature mast cell line from a patient with mast cell leukemia. Identification of mutations in the coding sequence of the proto-oncogene c-kit in a human mast cell …
Mast cell lines HMC-1 and LAD2 in comparison with mature …
Taken together, HMC-1 cells represent very immature malignantly transformed MC, whereas LAD2 cells can be considered intermediately differentiated. Because of the minute levels of MC proteases, MC lines can serve as surrogates of tissue MC to a limited degree only.
Phenotypic characterization of the human mast-cell line HMC-1
The cell line HMC-1, derived from a patient with mast cell leukaemia, is the only established cell line exhibiting a phenotype similar to that of human mast cells. This paper reports on a detailed characterization of the expression of a panel of markers for …
Phenotypic Characterization of the Human Mast-Cell Line HMC-1
The cell line HMC-1, derived from a patient with mast cell leukaemia, is the only established cell line exhibiting a phenotype similar to that of human mast cells. This paper reports on a detailed characterization of the expression of a panel of markers for various types of immature and mature haematopoietic cells in the HMC-1.
HMC-1 人肥大细胞_人源细胞系_细胞系_澳睿赛生物技术(上海) …
来源于一名 52 岁男性肥大细胞白血病患者的外周血样本。 该细胞有多重亚型分别 为:HMC-1 5C6,HMC-1.1 ,HMC-1.2 。 广泛用于人肥大细胞功能研究,因为它们 表现出组织肥大细胞的许多关键特征,例如组胺、类胰蛋白酶、肝素和类似细胞表
HMC-1人肥大细胞 (STR鉴定)-逸漠细胞库 - IMMOCELL
该细胞有多重亚型分别为:HMC-1 5C6,HMC-1.1 ,HMC-1.2 。 广泛用于人肥大细胞功能研究,因为它们表现出组织肥大细胞的许多关键特征,例如组胺、类胰蛋白酶、肝素和类似细胞表面抗原谱的表达 (1,2)。 受体酪氨酸激酶 KIT 在肥大细胞上表达,在肥大细胞的增殖、功能和存活中起重要作用。 KIT 中的激活突变与肥大细胞生长失调有关,并与肥大细胞肿瘤和系统性肥大细胞增多症有关。 据报道,HMC-1 细胞系中存在两个 KIT 激活点突变 。 这两种突变都将受体转化为 …
Functional and phenotypic studies of two variants of a human …
HMC-1 is the only established continuously growing human mast cell line and has therefore been widely employed for in vitro studies of human mast cell biology. In this paper we describe two sublines of HMC-1, named HMC-1 (560 ) and HMC-1 (560,816 ), with different phenotypes and designated by the locations of specific mutations in the c-kit ...