HMG Family | 高迁移率族蛋白家族 | 抑制剂 拮抗剂 | MCE
The high mobility group (HMG) proteins are a superfamily of abundant and ubiquitous nuclear proteins that bind to DNA and nucleosomes and induce structural changes in the chromatin …
High-mobility group - Wikipedia
High-Mobility Group or HMG is a group of chromosomal proteins that are involved in the regulation of DNA-dependent processes such as transcription, replication, recombination, and …
HMG modifications and nuclear function - PubMed
High mobility group (HMG) proteins assume important roles in regulating chromatin dynamics, transcriptional activities of genes and other cellular processes. Post-translational modifications …
Nuclear functions of the HMG proteins - PubMed
Although the three families of mammalian HMG proteins (HMGA, HMGB and HMGN) participate in many of the same nuclear processes, each family plays its own unique role in modulating …
【双重剑客】HMGB1——炎症反应与癌症的重要靶点 - 知乎
HMGB1(High mobility group box-1 protein,高迁移率族蛋白B1) 是存在于真核细胞核内的非组蛋白染色体结合蛋白,参与DNA损伤修复和基因组稳定性维持。 HMGB1属于 HMG蛋白家 …
Nuclear functions of the HMG proteins - ScienceDirect
2010年1月1日 · HMG boxes bind to the minor groove of B-form DNA, significantly widen the groove and introducing a bend of 90° or more into the backbone. HMGB proteins also bind …
The role of HMG I (Y) in the assembly and function of the IFN‐β ...
1999年6月1日 · Here, we demonstrate that the first step in enhanceosome assembly, i.e. HMG I(Y)‐dependent recruitment of NF‐κB and ATF‐2/c‐Jun to the enhancer, is facilitated by …
HMGB1:从发现到临床应用 - MedSci
1973年,高迁移率族蛋白B1(HMGB1)首次在小牛胸腺中被发现并鉴定出来,其作为染色质的结构蛋白,有助于将DNA包装到染色体中。 目前,根据其特征功能序列基序将HMG蛋白分为三 …
洛伐他汀:HMG-CoA还原酶抑制剂的重要药物 - 知乎
洛伐他汀的研发目标是抑制胆固醇合成过程中的限速酶 羟甲戊二酰辅酶A还原酶 (HMG-CoA还原酶),从而降低血胆固醇和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平,预防动脉粥样硬化和冠心病等心血管疾 …
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