HMH-462 70th Anniversary at Miramar April 26 at 1600. jimfastcoin, 11 years ago. 2. 1. No replies. 2013 ...
HMH-462 The Original Phu Bai Crew 1968-69
2009年9月21日 · I have just returned from a 40th anniversary of the return to CONUS from Vietnam members of HMH-462 that were stabilized in 1968 and served in Vietnam from August 1968 through September 1969. We had a surprising turn out of over 60 people which included the former Commanding Officer, Col Ron Nelson and the retired Assistant CMC, Gen Terry Dake ...
HMH-462 Cruise Book 2/68 thru 2/69 – HMH-462 – POPASMOKE …
2008年2月21日 · HMH-462 Website. Hi Sam: I am replying to inform you that I recently established a website at www.hmh462phubai.com that consists of a reproduction of the entire yearbook you referred to in your posting. It also contains the fascinating memoirs of former pilot Roy Stauth. Check it out. Brian Taber Former HMH-462 Pilot
Incident Date 19810212 HMH-462 CH-53A - BuNo 153727 - - HMM-164 CH-46E - BuNo 157666 - - MidAir during landing MCAS Santa Ana [CREW] Eibach, Robert J. Cpl Crew HMM-164 MCAS Santa Ana 1981-02-12 King, Lawrence J. Capt Pilot HMM-164 MCAS Santa Ana 1981-02-12
Squadron Tailcodes and Callsigns - USMC Combat Helicopter
code squadron years call signs nicknames; bl: hml-268: 1972-77: cj: hmr(m)-461: 1957-62: hmh-461: 1962-haley: iron horse
Incident Date 19771021 HMH-462 CH-53A BuNo 157139 - Loss of directional control due to overweight external cargo
HMH-462 Phu Bai 40-Year Reunion – HMH-462 – POPASMOKE …
2009年1月16日 · HMH-462 Phu Bai Reunion. The HMH-462 Phu Bai 40-year reunion is intended for any squadron member who served in Phu Bai during the period of 1968-69. We hope to have at least 40, plus spouses. We currently have commitments from 18. Brian Taber 01/22/09
Chronology - USMC Combat Helicopter & Tiltrotor Association
HMH-462 departed RVN with MAG-36 on 20 Oct. HMH-463 stayed at MMAF with H-53Ds. HMM-361 had arrived in August at MAG-36 in Phu Bai, and transferred to MMAF on 26 Sep. HML-367 departed Phu Bai for MMAF on 16 Oct. HML-367 re-equipped with the AH-1Gs of VMO-2.
HMH-462, 1969, Phu Bai, LPH New Orleans, & Okinawa.
2024年1月24日 · HMH-462, 1969, Phu Bai, LPH New Orleans, & Okinawa. Looking For... Last Post by joemoe1969 9 months ago ...
Does anyone remember Robert (Bob) Ryan - pilot- in Phu Bai a...
2008年11月1日 · HMH-462 Website. To Bob Ryan's sister and all former HMH-462 squadron mates who were in Phu Bai 1968-69, I have establsihed a new website at www.hmh462phubai.com. It consists of the entire yearbook produced while we were in country, along with the memoirs of Lt. Roy Stauth, who captured the essence of our tour in 30 …