HMS M2 (1918) - Wikipedia
HMS M2 was a Royal Navy submarine monitor completed in 1919, converted in 1927 into a submarine aircraft carrier. She was wrecked in Lyme Bay, Dorset, Britain, on 26 January 1932. She was one of three M-class boats completed. Four M-class submarines replaced the order for the last four K-class submarines, K17 - K21.
HMS M2 - Wikipedia
HMS M2 may refer to the following ships of the Royal Navy: HMS Havelock (M2) (1915), a monitor initially named M2; HMS M2 (1918), the second M-class submarine
M2號潛艇 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
m2號潛艇(英文: hms m2),所屬英國,是皇家海軍在一戰末期建造的4艘m級 潛艇之一,且她為該級二號艦。1918年10月下水。1927年被改造成航空潛艦。1932年1月演習時,與商船相撞後沉沒。
M2号潜艇 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M2号潜艇 (英文: HMS M2),所属 英国,是 皇家海军 在 一战 末期建造的4艘 M级 潜艇 之一,且她为该级二号舰。 1918年10月下水。 1927年被改造成 航空潜舰。 1932年1月演习时,与商船相撞后沉没。 英国开发出 伪装商船的舰艇 偷袭 U艇 的战术,由于战术的成功,海军部认为“当潜艇在水面上时,就要以火力将其击败”,便催生出M级的构思。 用途类似 巡洋潜艇。 作为其构思的舰船,配备当然要符合海军部的期待,于是在 舰艏 装备一门 阿姆斯特朗305毫米/40舰炮Mark …
Remembering the M2 submarine disaster 80 years on - BBC
2012年5月19日 · HMS M2 was the world's first underwater aircraft carrier, but it went down with the loss of all 60 hands - including two airmen - in 1932. It is believed that disaster...
兵器考古之水下重炮舰 —— 一战时期的英国M级潜艇_腾讯新闻
2024年7月30日 · hms m2号潜艇的侦察机正从机库里被推到弹射器上,该艇是世界上第一艘可以搭载飞机的潜艇,也可以说是世界上第一艘水下航母
Wreck Tour 5 – The M2 Submarine - Divernet
2018年6月23日 · In 1927 HMS M2 became the worlds first undersea aircraft carrier – a submarine carrying a small two-seater seaplane in a watertight hangar, writes Kendall McDonald. The seaplane, which had folding wings, was launched by catapult off a runway on the deck.
HMS M2 – The Submarine Family
M2 (Lt Cdr J D DeM Leathes) sailed from Portland on 26 January 1932 for a routine exercise with units of the 6th Submarine Flotilla in West Bay, 15 miles West of Portland Bill. At 1011 Lt Cdr Leathes signalled the depot ship HMS TITANIA that they intended to dive at about 1030.
HMS M2 - Military Wiki | Fandom
HMS M2 was a Royal Navy submarine monitor completed in 1919, converted in 1927 into the world's first submarine aircraft carrier. She was shipwrecked in Lyme Bay, Dorset, Britain, on 26 January 1932. She was one of three M-class boats completed.
British Freak Submarines – The Disastrous M-Class - WAR …
2016年2月17日 · British Submarine HMS M2. The M2 was transformed, in 1925, into a seaplane carrier and they replaced the gun turret with a hangar. The M2 was lost in 1932 (January 26th) when off the coast of Chesil Beach. It is suspected that …