HP 24fh 23.8-inch Display - Product Specifications | HP® 支持
The HP 24fh is a 60.5 cm (23.8 in) Display. 输入一个主题,搜索我们的知识库您需要什么样的帮助呢? 需要帮助?
【HP 24FH】报价_参数_图片_论坛_HP 24FH惠普显示器报价-ZOL …
这款显示器采用了友达Fast IPS面板和mini-LED背光矩阵技术,具备高动态范围影像和多达576个控光分区。 支持QD量子点技术、160Hz刷新率、1ms响应时间以及SDR/HDR亮度分别为450/1200 [阅读全文] **惠普HP ZHAN D27qs Monitor:专业办公的理想选择**在现代办公环境中,一款高效的显示器是提升工作效率的重要工具。 HP的战系列新品——ZHAN D27qs Monitor凭借其独特的设计和卓越性能,无疑是您工作空间的理想伙伴。 这款24款2 [阅读全文] 【惠普星Vision Pro 27 …
23.8" HP 24fh - Specifications
Specifications of HP 24fh. Display: 23.8 in, IPS, W-LED, 1920 x 1080 pixels, Viewing angles (H/V): 178 ° / 178 °, Brightness: 300 cd/m², Static contrast: 1000 : 1, Dynamic contrast: 10000000 : 1, Refresh rate: 48 Hz - 75 Hz, NTSC: 72 %, Dimensions: 539.8 x 323 x 40.2 mm. HP 24fh is also known as HP 4HZ37AA.
HP 24fh Ultraslim Full HD Monitor (1920 x 1080) 23.8 Inch (1 …
Get the crisp picture quality you crave with this ultra-slim, micro-edge display, featuring eye-catching aluminum design and immersive ultra-wide viewing angles. From browsing content to streaming entertainment - it allows you to see your world in a whole new way.
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【惠普HP 24FH参数】HP HP 24FH显示器参数_规格_性能_功能 …
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HP 24fh 23.8-inch Display - Product Specifications
Check the information on compatibility, upgrade, and available fixes from HP and Microsoft. The HP 24fh is a 60.5 cm (23.8 in) Display. 4HZ37AA. What can we help you with?
HP 24fh 23.8-inch Display - Specifications | HP® Support
Find full product specifications and compatibility information for your HP 24fh 23.8-inch Display
HP 24fh Display Impossibly thin and with advanced height-adjustability for better comfort. Irresistibly priced. Get the crisp picture quality you crave with this ultra-slim, micro-edge display, featuring eye-catching aluminum design and immersive ultra-wide viewing angles. From browsing content to streaming entertainment—it allows you to see your
【惠普24FH】(HP 24FH)报价_图片_参数_评测_论坛_惠普24FH液 …
产品简介:惠普 24fh,产品类型 led显示器,广视角显示器,产品定位 影音娱乐,屏幕尺寸 23.8英寸,最佳分辨率 1920×1080。 价格纠错 * 新价格:
23.8" HP 24fh - Display - DisplaySpecifications
23.8" HP 24fh. Display: 23.8 in, IPS, W-LED, 1920 x 1080 pixels Viewing angles (H/V): 178 ° / 178 ° Brightness: 300 cd/m² Static contrast: 1000 : 1, Dynamic contrast: 10000000 : 1 Refresh rate: 48 Hz - 75 Hz NTSC: 72 % Dimensions: 539.8 x 323 x 40.2 mm