HP 8563E Having problems running the manual YTF offset/Slope
Hello Hp/Agilent Fans. I recently accuired a HP8563E that I am bringing back to life. It has a Worn CRT but I have one in transit. Otherwise working ok but I want to enter option 008 and wanted …
HP 8563E problems error 317 319 334 351 353 356 459 561 562
Sorry for not replying right away I rarely get on here. To test YTO use the YTO adjustment in service manual as reference on the A14 move the jumper this will open YTO PLL and then you …
HP 8563E Power Supply - community.keysight.com
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HP 8563E A6 Power Supply Clip 08564-90004 - Keysight
I have an HP 8563E with a bad power supply. I have a shorted diode to ground, taking out the -15V supply. I am unable to determine the part no. (Agilent or generic) of the diode. I do not …
HP 8591A ....FREQ UNCAL message - Keysight
I did check the batterie and the voltage is normal. The symptoms are: When I power up the spectrum, the Center Frequency is off (like not lock), then when I hit the Center Freq button, I …
HP 8563E problems error 459 561 562 564 565
I have a HP 8563A and hp8563E CLIP from E-Bay. So I try to repair the Logarithmic Amplifie part of the A4 assembly. It seems probable U201 and U501 CA3127E transistor array fail. Thanks …
HP 8563E display problems - community.keysight.com
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8563E EEROM - Keysight
Keysight no longer sells replacement EEROMs for the 8563E. If you have a replacement part, follow the steps on page 229 (227 of the PDF) of the same guide to properly replace the chip. …
PSA 4440A: Can the N connector work upto 26.5GHz? - Keysight
Have a similar question, except for the HP 8563E/EC series, which have N connector input, 26.5 GHz max frequency, and option 026 available (3.5mm connector.) I selected N input (no …
HP8563 show sidebands on CW and high noise level
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