8648C Synthesized RF Signal Generator, 9 kHz to 3200 MHz
The 8648C is no longer available, the replacement products are N5171B EXG X-Series RF analog signal generator or N5172B EXG X-Series RF vector signal generator.
Signal Generator 8648C Equipment Hewlett-Packard, HP
The HP 8648C is a synthesized signal generator with high performance and reliability, operating in the frequency range 9 KHz to 3200 MHz with an output power (on 50 Ohm) from -136 to +13 dBm (this model includes option 1EA high power up to +20 dBm below 1 GHz).
8648C 合成信号发生器, 9 kHz 至 3200 MHz [已淘汰] - Keysight
从 8648 系列过渡到新型 EXG 时,您将可从各个方面提高测试系统的性能,以提供更广泛的频率范围、更高的输出功率及改进的信号纯度和调制性能。 为什么从 8648 系列过渡到新型 EXG? …
The HP 8647A and HP 8648A/B/C/D signal generators are manufactured in an ISO 9002 registered facility in concurrence with Hewlett-Packard’s commitment to quality.
HP/Agilent 8648C Signal Generator - Page 1 - EEVblog
2013年10月16日 · My HP-8648C (with Option 1E5) has a frequency coverage of 100kHz to 3,200MHz (with 14dBm output over the whole range), where as the newer units cover 9kHz to 3,200MHz (but with 13dBm output up to ~2,000MHz, and then 10dBm up to 3,200MHz) .
8648A/B/C/D Signal Generator Operation and Service Guide
Compact, multichannel vector signal generator capable of signal generation up to 8.5 GHz with 1 GHz of modulation bandwidth per channel. Enable faster, flexible testing for 802.3ck and PCIe ® 6.0 designs with a 50+ GHz probe. Explore curated support plans, prioritized to keep you innovating at speed.
惠普HP8648C信号发生器 - 什么值得买
2024年7月12日 · Agilent 8648C|HP-8648C 3G射频合成信号发生器100kHz-3.2GHz. *在整个2.5GHz范围内,电平精度±1dB. *在500MHz上4Hz的剩余调频. *电子衰减器 (1GHz型) *输出 …
HP 8648A, 8648B, 8648C, 8648D User Manual - ManualMachine.com
This manual applies directly to the following HP 8648 model/serial prefix combinations and below:
Agilent 8648A/B/C/D Signal Generators Data Sheet 8648A, 100 kHz to 1 GHz 8648B, 9 kHz to 2 GHz 8648C, 9 kHz to 3.2 GHz 8648D, 9 kHz to 4 GHz Specifications describe warranted instrument performance over the 0°C to 50°C temperature range and after a 30-minute warm-up, unless otherwise noted.
惠普 8648C 仪器 - 传感器专家网
Agilent 8648C|HP-8648C 3G射频合成信号发生器100kHz-3.2GHz. *在整个2.5GHz范围内,电平精度±1dB. *在500MHz上4Hz的剩余调频. *电子衰减器 (1GHz型) *输出功率为+10/+13~-136dBm. *操作简单、可靠. *产生寻呼信令 (HP8648A选件1EP) *HP8647A和8648A/B/C/D合成信号发生器. 经济型信号发生器的佼佼者. HP8647A和8648A/B/C/D系列合成信号发生器性能稳定、可靠、价格低廉。 这几种信号发生器具有对接收机进行半自动测试所需的特性,可用 …