8657B Synthesized Signal Generator, 100 kHz to 2060 MHz
The Keysight 8657B is a versatile signal generator offering a variety of features, such as extended frequency coverage up to 2060 MHz, pulse modulation, simultaneous and mixed modulation combinations of AM and FM, as well as a carrier phase adjust capability that allows you to characterize phase-sensitive devices.
The Agilent Technologies 8657A and 8657B signal gener-ators are designed to test AM, FM, and pulsed receivers as well as components. With their exceptional analog modulation, good spectral purity, and superb output level performance, these signal generators are ideal for R&D, manufacturing, and support.
HP/Agilent 8657B信号发生器 | AvionTEq
HP / Agilent 8657B 是一款多功能信号发生器,用于测试 AM、FM 和脉冲接收器以及组件。 它具有出色的模拟调制、出色的输出电平性能和良好的频谱纯度。
HP 8657B (Signal Generator with Option 003) | ArtisanTG™
The HP 8657 Series Signal Generators are designed to test AM, FM, and pulsed receivers as well as components. With their exceptional analog modulation, good spectral purity, and superb output level performance, these signal generators are ideal for R&D, manufacturing, and support.
Keysight/Agilent/HP 8657B Synthesized Signal Generator
The Keysight 8657B is a versatile signal generator offering a variety of features, such as extended frequency coverage up to 2060 MHz, pulse modulation, simultaneous and mixed modulation combinations of AM and FM, as well as a carrier phase adjust capability that allows you to characterize phase-sensitive devices.
安捷伦8657B/惠普HP8657B信号发生器 - 知乎
Agilent 8657B 是一款多功能信号发生器,提供多种功能,例如高达 2060 MHz 的扩展频率覆盖、 脉冲调制 、AM 和 FM 的同时和混合调制组合,以及允许您表征相敏器件。
8656B, 8657A, 8657B Synthesized Signal Generator Operation …
8656B, 8657A, 8657B Synthesized Signal Generator Operation and Calibration Manual. This manual contains info required to install,operate,test and adjust and is provided for information …
HP 8657B for Sale|Synthesized - Above 1 GHz up to 3 GHz|Signal ...
The 8657B is a versatile signal generator offering a variety of features, such as extended frequency coverage up to 2060 MHz, pulse modulation, simultaneous and mixed modulation …
The Agilent Technologies 8657A and 8657B signal gener-ators are designed to test AM, FM, and pulsed receivers as well as components. With their exceptional analog modulation, good spectral purity, and superb output level performance, these signal generators are ideal for R&D, manufacturing, and support.
「惠普HP 8657A 8657B信号发生器」 价格、参数、图片 - 仪器网
2023年9月27日 · HP8657A覆盖100kHz~1040MHz的频率范围,而HP8657B则覆盖100kHz~2060MHz的频率范围。 噪声性能,使它特别适用于要求测试信号处于在邻近通道偏移或带外偏移上的几乎所有测量。 征相敏装置,如相位检波器或相位干涉仪。 显示消隐和非易失存储器的消除还可用于保密环. 境下的工作。 这些信号发生器提供+13~-143.5dBm的宽动态输出范围,并具有± 1.0dB的高。 换一张?
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