HP Business Service Management - Wikipedia
HP Business Service Management (BSM) is an end-to-end management software tool that integrates network, server, application and business transaction monitoring. [1] HP Business Service Management is developed and marketed by the HP Software Division .
HPE Business Service Management (BSM) - Micro Focus
HPE Business Service Management (BSM) is an end-to-end management solution portfolio that integrates network, server, application, and business transaction monitoring to help improve IT operations efficiency while delivering high-quality services.
Micro Focus Business Service Management (BSM)
Micro Focus Business Service Management (BSM) is an end-to-end management solution portfolio that integrates network, server, application, and business transaction monitoring to help improve IT operations efficiency while delivering high-quality services.
HP BSM Business Service Management - ResultsPositive
HP BSM is a real time, end-to-end monitoring and automation solution. Eliminate silos and reduce mean-time-to-resolution with actionable intelligence, event correlation, and consolidated system management tools.
BSM 操作管理将基础结构管理与应用程序和业务服务管理相关联。它可将来自 HP Business Service Management 组件(如 Business Process Monitor (BPM)、Real User Monitor (RUM) 和服务水平管理 (SLM))的事件与来自 BSM 解决方案的操作管理组件(如 HP Operations
This guide provides a high-level overview of the HP Business Service Management (BSM) platform, and a workflow for setting up the BSM end-to-end solution. It also provides details on key BSM components and concepts, and on how the BSM components complement each other. Every topic in the guide points you to where you can find more information in the
Enter HP Business Service Management (BSM), a comprehensive business service management solution that helps you to proactively identify and resolve problems quickly and efficiently, before the business is impacted. This HP solution allows IT organizations to manage complex dynamic environments with a run-time
HP has created a complete Business Service Management (BSM) solution portfolio that can help your IT organization better meet the requirements of your business while managing IT operations in today’s dynamic virtualized and cloud environments. HP BSM solutions provide: End-to-end visibility into cloud services and
This guide is an introduction to HP Business Service Management (BSM) Operations Management, and describes the main concepts underlying this comprehensive event and performance management software that is a component of an HP Business Service
The HP Solution Discovery Workshop for BSM provides a comprehensive approach that encompasses people, process, and technology across IT operations. Through detailed planning and business technology assessment using the HP BSM Maturity Model, you receive a detailed roadmap to get you on the fast track to leverage HP BSM for your business.
HP Launches Business Service Management 9.20 - APMdigest
2012年11月27日 · HP announces the latest version of HP BSM, which provides end-to-end visibility into the health of business services, powered by meaningful intelligence and analytics, helping IT increase its operational efficiency and reduce down time.
业务科技优化 惠普BSM展露新颜_hp bsm-CSDN博客
2008年10月14日 · HP BSM,是 HP 最新推出的网管套件,是针对IBM TSM的重磅炸弹。 2012年11月底, HP 发布了新版的 BSM 套件。 在这个新的套件有一个 BSM 与ArcSight Logger整合的方案。 我之前在RSA2012大会观后感系列文章中也提及过 HP 的这个动向,就是将网管与安管整合的动向。 他们正在按部就班地进行中。 不过,由于他们的身躯过于庞大,整合可不容易。 相反,我们的系统从底层架构设计开始就考虑到了这个问题,因而天然是一体的。 下图是 HP 的 …
2007年10月25日 · 全新升級版的HP業務服務管理(Business Service Management,BSM)解決方案,結合業界領先的應用程式、基礎架構及網路管理軟體,協助顧客管理業務服務的整體健全度。
HP BSM provides up-to-date performance and SLA views for physical virtual, mobile, and cloud-based services. Today’s IT organisation needs an integrated BSM model that combines a top-down and bottom-up approach to monitoring and spans …
惠普充分发挥运营分析的威力 为混合环境优化性能 - 51CTO
2013年1月9日 · 惠普公司近日宣布推出新版惠普业务服务管理软件 (HP Business Service Management (BSM) software),它是业界首款通过大数据分析来提高移动和混合IT环境中商用软件的性能和可用性的产品。 随着虚拟化和云技术在业界越来越多地被采用,IT部门逐渐对其环境中的技术失去全然的了解或掌控,这使应用和运维团队很难预见潜在的问题。 IT部门需要不仅能预测已知可能出现的问题,还能发现未知问题的全新解决方案。 HP BSM能为IT应用和服务提供端到 …
This guide provides a high-level overview of the HP Business Service Management (BSM) platform, and a workflow for setting up the BSM end-to-end solution. It also provides details on key BSM components and concepts, and on how the BSM components complement each other. Every topic in the guide points you to where you can find more information in the
Register your copy of BSM to gain access to technical support and information on all HP products. You will also be eligible for updates and upgrades. You can register your copy of BSM on the HP Software Support site (http://www.hp.com/go/hpsoftwaresupport). Set up your BSM servers and your BSM database server.
HPE Business Service Management (BSM) - Micro Focus
HPE Business Service Management (BSM) is an end-to-end management solution portfolio that integrates network, server, application, and business transaction monitoring to help improve IT operations efficiency while delivering high-quality services.
HPE Business Service Management (BSM) - docs.microfocus.com
HPE Business Service Management (BSM) is an end-to-end management solution portfolio that integrates network, server, application, and business transaction monitoring to help improve IT operations efficiency while delivering high-quality services.
Server Deployment and Setting - HP Business Service Management …
Setup and Database Configuration Utility Overview. You configure your server deployment and create and connect to the databases/user schemas necessary for running HP Business Service Management using the Setup and Database Configuration utility. You can run the Setup and Database Configuration utility as part of.