HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CP4025 Printer series
Download the latest drivers, firmware, and software for your HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CP4025 Printer series. This is HP’s official website to download the correct drivers free of cost for Windows and Mac.
HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CP4020/CP4520 印表機系列 - 產品功能
HP Easy Printer Care 軟體 (選購的狀態和疑難排解工具) 透過 HP Easy Printer Care 軟體、驅動程式狀態通知快顯訊息,以及 HP 嵌入式 Web 伺服器提供的網際網路耗材訂購功能
Color LaserJet Enterprise CP4025n Printer (CC489A#BGJ) - HP
Small workgroups that need a network-ready laser printer for efficient color printing. Packed with performance. Print documents rapidly with speeds up to 35 ppm letter/35 ppm A4 and a first page out in as fast as 9.5 seconds. Handle a steady stream of print jobs with 512 MB memory—expandable up to 1 GB. [8] .
HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CP4020/CP4520 - 产品规格
HP Color LaserJet CP4525 A4 尺寸的打印速度为 40 ppm,Letter 尺寸的打印速度为 42 ppm。 电源要求视出售产品的国家/地区而定。 不要转换操作电压, 这将损害产品并使产品保修失效。 1 声音值会随时更改。 已测试配置: HP Color LaserJet CP4525,在单面模式下以 40 ppm 速度在 A4 …
The HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CP4020 Printer series, including the CP4025, is ideal for IT-managed small and medium (SMB) and enterprise small workgroups that need a network-ready laser printer for efficient color printing.
Conventions used in this guide TIP: Tips provide helpful hints or shortcuts. NOTE: Notes provide important information to explain a concept or to complete a task. CAUTION: Cautions indicate procedures that you should follow to avoid losing data or damaging the product. WARNING! Warnings alert you to specific procedures that you should follow to avoid personal injury,
HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CP4020 printer series CP4025n • CP4025dn. This easy-to-use color laser printer offers powerful, professional - quality color and black-only printing — ideal for sharing with small to medium workgroups. • Get a great value for the price—this printer is packed with performance features. •
HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CP4020-CP4520 Se ries Printer Set color options with Windows 1. On the File menu in the software program, click Print. 2. ... HP About Cancel Apply H P Color LaserJet CP4520 Series PCL6 Printi Preferences Advanced Printing …
HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CP4020 | HP Designjet 4020 and …
HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CP4020 | HP Designjet 4020 and 4520 Printer Series - Page 2 notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statement accompanying such products and services.
HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CP4020/CP4520 Series Printer
Memory Enhancement technology (MEt) automatically compresses data to use RAM more efficiently. Tray 1 (multipurpose tray): A multipurpose tray for paper, transparencies, labels, envelopes, and other paper types. The tray holds up to …