Hiden HPR30过程气体分析质谱仪_参数_价格-仪器信息网
HPR-30真空过程气体分析系统 (Process Gas Analyser),适用于监测分析残余气体和真空工艺过程中的气体组成及变化。 · 连续取样从10 -4 mbar至1mbar. 对过程气体的分析准确,为工业生产过程的控制和优化提供了数据支持。 仪器的响应速度快,能够及时反馈气体成分变化。 仪器运行稳定,故障率低。 过程气体分析准确。 对过程气体的分析准确快速。 Hiden HPR30 质谱仪对过程气体的分析非常专业,数据准确,为我们的生产过程优化提供了依据。 HidenHPR30过程气体分析 …
Penrite HPR 30 20W-60 (Mineral)
HPR 30 is a premium high performance mineral, SAE 20W-60, non-friction modified engine oil. It features a DOUBLE LAYER of engine wear protection with FULL ZINC (approx. 1600 ppm levels) and Penrites advanced EXTRA TEN technology. Protects against corrosion, oil oxidation and sludge under all operating conditions.
质谱光谱仪 - HPR-30 series - Hiden Analytical - 用于气体分析 / 移 …
用于真空工艺分析的残余气体分析系统 HPR-30系列是残余气体分析系统,配置用于分析真空过程中的气体和蒸汽,并用于真空诊断,具有从高真空到大气压的采样能力。 该系统可完全配置用于个别过程应用,如CVD、ALD、等离子刻蚀、MOCVD、过程气体纯度和过程中污染物监测。 等离子体表征 冷冻干燥 CVD / MOCVD / ALD 真空处理 残余气体分析 近大气层XPS,APXPS 薄膜光学涂层 HPR-30系列系统设计用于对真空工艺中的气体和蒸汽种类进行快速响应的高灵敏度分析。 …
HPR 30 20W-60 (Mineral) - Penrite Oil
HPR 30 is a premium high performance mineral, SAE 20W-60, non- friction modified engine oil. It features a DOUBLE LAYER of engine wear protection with FULL ZINC (approx. 1600 ppm levels) and Penrites advanced EXTRA TEN technology. Protects against corrosion, oil oxidation and sludge under all operating conditions.
HPR 30 vacuum process gas analyser The mass spectrometer: • The Hiden HAL201 RC residual gas analyser is included as standard: • Mass range: 200 AMU • Detector: Dual Faraday cup and single channel electron multiplier • Ion source matched to HPR 30 sampling system • Data acquisition speed up to 500 measurements per second • MASsoft ...
简要描述: HPR-30过程气体分析仪(Process Gas Analyser),适用于监测分析残余气体和真空过程。可检测反应室内存在的所有成分,以及系统析出的新组分。
For fast, precise and reliable monitoring of thin film and semiconductor processes, the HPR-30 - a compact, on-line, fully automatic process gas analysis system - brings together an extensive range of quadrupole mass spectrometers, differential pumping systems and inlet configurations, each designed to satisfy the specific requirements of indivi...
Penrite HPR 30 20W60 Mineral Engine Oil 60L HPR30060
HPR 30 is a premium high performance mineral, SAE 20W-60, non-friction modified engine oil. It features a DOUBLE LAYER of engine wear protection with FULL ZINC (approx. 1600 ppm levels) and Penrites advanced EXTRA TEN technology. Protects against corrosion, oil oxidation and sludge under all operating conditions.
Penrite HPR 30 Engine Oil - 20W-60 5 Litre - Supercheap Auto
Penrite HPR 30 is a premium high performance mineral, SAE 20W-60, non-friction modified engine oil featuring Penrite's Double Layer of engine wear protection. This oil incorporates …
Penrite Oil HPR 30 20W-60 (Mineral) - ProductReview.com.au
Penrite Oil HPR 30 20W-60 (Mineral) (Engine Oil): 4.2 out of 5 stars from 5 genuine reviews on Australia's largest opinion site ProductReview.com.au.
- 评论数: 5
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