HRP-4C机器人 - 百度百科
HRP-4C - Wikipedia
The HRP-4C, nicknamed Miim, is a feminine-looking humanoid robot created by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), a Japanese research facility. …
HRP-4C機器人(HRP-4C):介紹,概況,技術,外貌,亮相,用途,定位,開發_ …
HRP-4C有兩種技術的聲樂控制方案,第一種為 VocaListener,是一個自動測定歌聲的語音合成參數的技術,可以簡單地根據人的歌唱的原本聲音,自動生成嘴型表情。 只要她能收錄的歌手 …
HRP-4C - ROBOTS: Your Guide to the World of Robotics
HRP-4C is an adult-size female android with a realistic head. She can walk, sing, and even dance alongside human performers. Its movements are generated by capturing real people in motion.
HRP-4 - ROBOTS: Your Guide to the World of Robotics
HRP-4 is the latest model in the HRP series of robots, the result of a lasting collaboration between Kawada Industries, led by Tadahiro Kawada, and Japan's National Institute of Advanced …
Figure 6 shows the designed body mechanism of HRP-4C (right) and HRP-2 (left). By comparison, we see that HRP-4C realized much smaller chest and hip as well as slender …
HRP-4C - Wikipedia
HRP-4C は、独立行政法人 産業技術総合研究所 が開発した ヒューマノイド ロボット。 2009年 3月16日 に発表された。 身長158 cm 、体重43 kg (バッテリー 含む)。 身長は1997年度 …
HRP-4 and Other HRP Robots - SpringerLink
2018年10月10日 · Figure 8a shows cybernetic human HRP-4C (“C” is for cybernetic human), a humanoid robot of 1580 mm height, 43 kg weight, and with 42 DOF developed in 2009 [12, …
HRP-4C — Wikipédia
HRP-4C est un androïde de forme gynoïde qui mesure 1,58 m et pèse 43 kg. Des mini-moteurs sous le masque qui constitue le visage lui permettent de plisser les yeux et d'ouvrir la bouche. …
A Cybernetic Humanoid Robot that Closely Resembles a Human Being HRP-4C ...
One of the answers to this question that comes to mind is the cybernetic humanoid robot HRP-4C, "Miim" developed by AIST. It has the average height, weight, and appearance of a young …