Piasecki HRP Rescuer - Wikipedia
The Piasecki HRP Rescuer (also called Harp) is a United States tandem-rotor transport or rescue helicopter designed by Frank Piasecki and built by Piasecki Helicopter. The Piasecki PV-3 was adopted as the HRP-1 Rescuer by the United States Navy, United States Marine Corps, and United States Coast Guard. [1]
HRP 救援者直升机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2023年11月11日 · HRP 救援者 (英语: Rescuer)(也称为 Harp)是一架由 弗兰克·皮亚塞基 (英语:Frank Piasecki) 设计的 串联旋翼 (英语:Tandem-rotor aircraft) 直升机。 其任务为运输与搜救,并服役于 美国海军 、 美国海军陆战队 和 美国海岸防卫队。 作为首批服役的运输直升机之一,HRP-1能够运载8-10名乘客或2,000lb. (907kg)的货物。 原型机(皮亚塞基将其命名为PV-3,但测试人员通常将其称为“Dogship”)按照1944年2月与美国海军签订的开发合同,于1945 …
HRP-1 - Piasecki Aircraft Corporation
2021年4月22日 · hrp-1 The concept of a flying mock-up permitted a rapid demonstration of the unique configuration and a measurement of the XHRP-X flight and control characteristics. Early design improvements in the XHRP-1 prototype resulted.
HRP-1 (Piasecki PV-3) Rescuer HELICOPTER - Naval Helicopter …
As one of the first transport helicopters in military service, the HRP-1 was capable of carrying two crewmen and 8-10 passengers or 2,000 lb. (907 kg) of cargo. The prototype helicopter (designated PV-3 by Piasecki, though commonly known to test personnel as “The Dogship”) first flew at Morton, Pennsylvania in March 1945 following a ...
人形机器人导论(译)-第一章 引言_wabot-1-CSDN博客
2023年7月18日 · 类人机器人的第一个特点是“类人机器人可以在人类的环境中正常工作”,并以一个工业工厂的维护任务为例进行了研究。类人机器人hrp-1能够在一个工业工厂的模型中执行这些任务,该工厂包括星形、斜坡和凹坑。图1.9显示hrp-1在实体模型中走下楼梯。
Historic Aircraft | Naval History Magazine - August 2010 Volume …
The HRP-1 design was the second helicopter developed by Frank N. Piasecki's P. V. Engineering Forum, the first being a single-seat, single-rotor craft. 1 A privately built Piasecki demonstration helicopter with tandem rotors-designated HRP-X-flew on 7 March 1945.
Piasecki HRP-1 "Rescuer" & "Flying Banana" - history.uscg.mil
2020年10月22日 · The Coast Guard acquired three HRP-1 twin-rotor helicopters beginning in November 1948 from the Navy. The unique "Flying Banana," as it was known, had a fabric covered fuselage. It was powered by a single Pratt & Whitney R-1840-AN-1 …
HRP (航空機) - Wikipedia
米国初の相応の輸送能力を持つ軍用ヘリコプターとして就役したhrp-1はすぐに貨物と兵員の輸送任務に投入された。 公式にはHRP-1や「ハープ」('Harp')と呼ばれていたが、その人目を惹く特徴ある形状から直ぐに「空飛ぶバナナ」( The Flying Banana )という ...
"HRP-1"直升机 - 百度百科
装有600马力引擎的“HRP-1”可搭载10名乘客以及两名机组人员,能够运送的货物重量超过850公斤,每小时飞行距离达到152千米,最远飞行距离为426千米,在正常负载情况下的飞行高度可超过1万英尺。 “HRP-1”曾在海军陆战队和海岸巡逻队服役,负责执行搜索、营救、运送重型物资和反潜艇作战等任务。 如果海岸巡逻队停在地面上的直升机让你联想到一种热带水果,请不要认为自己的想法有些不可思议,因为你绝不是唯一一个产生这种想法的人。 这种同样由“西科斯基”打造 …
Piasecki HRP- "Flying Banana" - WINGS-AVIATION
As one of the first transport helicopters in military service, the HRP-1 was capable of carrying two crewmen and 8-10 passengers or 907kg of cargo. The fuselage was constructed of ordinary mild steel tubing, filled out with wooden ribs, and covered with doped fabric.