HRP-2 - ROBOTS: Your Guide to the World of Robotics
HRP-2 (also known as "Promet") is the second generation in the HRP series of robots, the result of a lasting collaboration between Kawada Industries, led by Tadahiro Kawada, and Japan's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and …
2021年5月15日 · 人形机器人项目(HRP)是由日本经济产业省(METI)和新能源与产业技术开发组织(NEDO)赞助,由川田工业株式会社(Kawada Industries)牵头并得到其支持的通用家庭助手机器人的开发项目。
JSK -HRP2-JSK- - 東京大学
The life-sized humanoid robot HRP2 is the final product of the Humanoid Robot Platform (HRP) project, created out of the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry 1998-2002 initiative,“Human-Robot Cooperation and Coexistence Systems Research and Development” (project leader Hirochika Inoue, Professor Emeritus at the University of Tokyo).
探寻双足人形机器人的奇幻发展之路 - 知乎
HRP-3 作为 HRP-2 的后继型,不仅在身体外壳上做了封闭防护,还增加了在手臂和手部的额外自由度,达到了36个自由度。 HRP-4C则在外观上更加人类化,身高158厘米,重43公斤,具有43个自由度。
在 DARPA 举办的「机器人奥运」中拔得头筹的日本机器人 Schaft HRP-2 …
机器人奥运日本夺冠 中国弃权美国钢铁侠0分日本Schaft的高1.46米、重98公斤的HRP-2机器人几乎完成了所有…
Humanoid robot HRP-2 | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
HRP was a humanoid robotics project, which had run by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan from 1998FY to 2002FY for five years. The ability of the biped locomotion of HRP-2 is improved so that HRP-2 can cope with uneven surface, can walk at two third level of human speed, and can walk on a narrow path.
Benchmarking the HRP-2 Humanoid Robot During Locomotion
HRP-2 is an electric-based humanoid robot which is mechanically fragile due to its harmonic drive. Although several works (Fujiwara et al., 2006; Samy and Kheddar, 2015) have developed new approaches toward making such robot more resilient to falling, it is still difficult to implement them in practice due to the cost of failure.
HRP2 - 机器人行业导航 - 河马机器人
HRP-2 PROMET 身高达 154 公分,体重却只有约 58 公斤,与同期机器人相比可说是非常轻量化,手脚都具多轴关节,腰部也有两轴关节能些微转动,行动自由度算是非常高。
HRP-2 Humanoid Robot by AIST in Japan | Mike Kalil
2024年8月29日 · HRP-2 traversed uneven terrain and maintained balance in challenging positions. It could even perform tasks while maintaining stability. Its highly dexterous hands …
3 天之前 · 应用领域 灾难救援:HRP-2曾被应用于灾难救援任务中,进行危险环境中的探测与物品搬运。 科学研究:作为成功的类人机器人研究领域的平台,HRP-2为科学家提供了丰富的实验数据和研究经验。 教育展示:由于其先进的技术和独特的设计,HRP-2也常被用于教育和展示目的,帮助人们更好地了解人形机器 ...