Henschel Hs 126 - Wikipedia
The Henschel Hs 126 was a twin-seat parasol wing reconnaissance and observation aircraft designed and produced by the German aircraft manufacturer Henschel. The Hs 126 that was derived from the Henschel Hs 122. The pilot was seated in a protected cockpit under the parasol wing and the gunner in an open rear cockpit.
无声的巡视者:亨舍尔Hs126前线侦察机小传 - 网易
2021年11月7日 · Hs126采用30年代初中期常见的伞式上单翼设计(主翼通过支架与机身连接,区别于翼梁穿过机身的撑杆式布局),以提供尽可能大的翼面积,后缘安装较长的简单襟翼,以提升起降性能。 尾翼为标准布局,平尾下方有2组撑杆。 起落架为后三点固定式,适合在前线非标准机场起降。 固定武装为1挺MG17同步机枪,安装在前机身右上。 后座观测员有1挺手持MG15自卫机枪。 此外,Hs126可在机身内照相机位置挂载10枚SC10炸弹,或在机身左侧挂架挂载较大的 …
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Hs126战术侦察机/炮兵校射机 - 百度百科
Hs126战术侦察机/炮兵校射机是德国Henschel公司于一九三七年研制的战术侦察机/炮兵校射机。 这是德军在第二次世界大战初期最重要的战术侦察机/炮兵校射机,一共制造了600架。 武器为2挺7.92mm机枪,可携带150Kg炸弹,装1台660KW Bramo 323A-1发动机,机长10.85米,机高3.75米,翼展14.5米,空重2.03吨,最大起飞重量3.09吨,最大时速355公里,航程720公里,实用升限8600米 .. Hs126战术侦察机/炮兵校射机是德国Henschel公司于一九三七年研制的战术 …
Henschel HS 126: The Unsung Hero of Fighter Aircraft History
The Henschel HS 126 was a German aircraft used primarily for reconnaissance missions during World War II. Its versatility made it a valuable asset for the Luftwaffe, as it could also be employed as a light bomber or an air ambulance. With its robust construction and advanced features, the HS 126 was a reliable and efficient aircraft.
如何评价德国亨舍尔Hs 126侦察机? - 知乎
Hs 126型于1937年取代He 46型成为德军侦察机部队的主力机型,直至1942年初被Fw 189型取代。 Hs 126型局部特写,注意后部坐席的MG15型7.92毫米机枪,在机身侧面还绘有三条辅助线,用于确定航空相机的拍摄角度。 图为Hs 126型进行编队飞行,注意其主翼外形。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。
二战名机系列,战争爆发时的轴心国战机之德国Hs 126
2019年12月26日 · Hs 126是此类飞机中最后一种型号,可在条件简陋的小型野战机场起降。 这种飞机的座舱为半封闭玻璃座舱,视野开阔,它的最重要的装备不是机枪机炮和炸弹,而是后驾驶舱中的无线电台和照相侦察设备。
Warplanes of Germany: Luftwaffe Henschel Hs 126
The Henschel Hs 126 was a twin-seat parasol wing reconnaissance and observation aircraft designed and produced by the German aircraft manufacturer Henschel. The Hs 126 that was derived from the Henschel Hs 122. The pilot was seated in aprotected cockpit under the parasol wing and the gunner in an open rearcockpit.
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Henschel Hs 126 | Military Wiki - Fandom
The Henschel Hs 126 was a German two-seat reconnaissance and observation aircraft of World War II that was derived from the Henschel Hs 122. The pilot was seated in a protected cockpit under the parasol wing and the gunner in an open rear cockpit.