Hs293空舰导弹 - 百度百科
Hs-293H是在Hs-293A基础上改制的 空空导弹 ,用于攻击轰炸机编队,装备两部HWK-109-542或斯密丁(Schmidding)109-513火箭引擎,配备声学近炸引信和新型制导系统,总重980公斤,战斗部300公斤。该弹制.造了8枚原型。
Henschel Hs 293 - Wikipedia
The Henschel Hs 293 was a World War II German radio-guided glide bomb. It is the first operational anti-shipping missile, first used unsuccessfully on 25 August 1943 and then with increasing success over the next year, damaging or sinking at least 25 ships.
Hs 293 A-1导弹介绍 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
德国在第二次世界大战中开发了Hs 293空射导弹,用于打击船只或地面目标。它基本上是一种滑翔炸弹,由液体燃料火箭辅助,发射10秒。Hs 293被携带在He 111,He 177,Fw 200或Do 217飞机的机翼下或炸弹舱中。它的弹头…
二战末期空射制导武器项目小传:亨舍尔Hs-293 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年5月24日 · Hs-293B就是针对盟军研发出的无线电干扰机而设计的,采用了导线引导方案的Hs-293改型。电缆收纳在弹药尾部的线轴上连接到载机上的发射架,再连接到载机内部由机组人员操控的火控控制系统,总长度长达12km。
Hs 293 A-1 Missile | National Air and Space Museum
Germany developed the Hs 293 air-launched missile in World War II for use against ships or ground targets. It was basically a glide bomb assisted by a liquid-fuel rocket that fired for 10 seconds. The Hs 293 was carried under the wings or in the bomb bay of an He 111, He 177, Fw 200, or Do 217 aircraft.
来看看二战德国的空对舰导弹!Hs.293空舰导弹 - 哔哩哔哩
Hs-293首次作战记录是在1943年8月25日,第40轰炸航空团的Do-217轰炸机在比斯开湾攻击英军反潜巡逻队,英军护卫号和比迪福德号护卫舰被击伤。 两天后该团的18架Do-217使用该弹击沉了英军白鹭号护卫舰,死亡194人,也是首次使用制导炸弹击沉船只的战例。
Henschel Hs 293A Anti-ship Missiles - Wehrmacht History
The Henschel Hs 293A was a anti-ship missile Designed and developed by Henschel und Sohn in 1939 under the leadership of Dr.-Ing. Herbert Alois Wagner. The Henschel Hs 293A was intended to be deployed against Allied shipping. The Henschel Hs 293 A-1 had a standard SC 500 bomb fastened to the front of the fuselage. The fuselage contained control ...
Henschel Hs 293 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Henschel Hs 293 was a World War II German anti-ship guided missile: a radio-controlled glide bomb with a rocket engine slung underneath it. It was designed by Herbert A. Wagner. The Walter 109-507 rocket motor unit with propellant tanks, removed from its …
Hitler's Precision-Guided Bombs: Fritz X & Hs 293 - The National …
The Henschel (Hs) 293 and the Ruhrstahl X-1 (Fritz X) were the first guided bombs employed in combat. These weapons debuted around the time of the Allied assault on Salerno in September 1943 and were a new concern for fleet defense.
Hs293导弹 - 百度百科
Hs-293H是在Hs-293A基础上改制的 空空导弹 ,用于攻击轰炸机编队,装备两部HWK-109-542或斯密丁(Schmidding)109-513火箭引擎,配备声学近炸引信和新型制导系统,总重980公斤,战斗部300公斤。该弹制.造了8枚原型。
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