HslCommunication - 胡工科技官网
如果是制造企业,想自己研发一些工厂的小软件,监视设备的数据,或是记录工艺数据,或是仓储系统,或是远程读写PLC数据, 都可以基于 HslCommunication 来快速开发您的软件,一步一步慢慢实现自己的工厂自动化,智能化,切实的感受到数字化带来的好处,对工艺,对管理,对设备运行效率提升有很大的帮助。 如果你是集成商,在单纯的销售设备之外,可以配套上位机软件系统,增加自身的附属价值,在实施自动化项目时,使用 HslCommunication 可以更加快速, 高 …
ILogNet 接口 - HslCommunication
A general-purpose log interface, supports the writing of 5 levels of log messages, supports setting the current message level, and defining a trigger event before a message is stored. HslCommunication Library Document
HslCommunication组件库使用说明 - dathlin - 博客园
2017年10月21日 · LogNet:新增移除关键字的接口方法,修复linux运行路径解析的bug,完善api文档的示例代码。 3. 大量的细节优化,变量名称单次拼写错误的修复。 4. Modbus: 当地址为x=3;100时,读正常,写入异常的问题修复,功能码自动替换为0x10。 5. FileNet: 修复高并发下载时的下载异常的问题,调整指令头的超时时间。 6. AB plc: 公开一个新的api接口,运行配置一些比较高级的数据。 7. 接下来计划:1.完善hsl的demo,api文档,准备基础的入门视频;2.开始完 …
High Speed Logging - F5, Inc.
High Speed Logging was designed to be a high volume, low overhead logging mechanism. HSL supports logging via TCP or UDP. Informal testing has shown CPU and memory utilization for HSL to be very low (<10% CPU, almost no additional memory utilization). For example, you could use these commands to:
Configuring Remote High-Speed Logging - F5, Inc.
You can configure the BIG-IP ® system to log information about BIG-IP system processes and send the log messages to remote high-speed log servers. You can filter the data that the system logs based on alert-level and source.
工业通信的开源项目 HslCommunication 介绍 - dathlin - 博客园
2019年2月17日 · 做这个项目 (HslCommunication)的目标和开源的初衷是方便广大的像我这种的在工厂一线的软件工程师,我一直觉得我们不应该把自己看做是程序员,程序员的角色更像是码农,主要工作就是敲代码,而软件工程师应该是更大的定义,设计软件的整体架构和开发的。 这几年大多数工作都开始意识到工业软件,上位机软件,数据追述系统,SCADA软件,MES软件开发的重要性,所以像我这样的有通信需求的人应该不在少数,况且开源有助于别人来一起改进,和 …
HSL::open - F5, Inc.
Opens and returns a handle for High Speed Logging communication for a log publisher configured in System->Logs->Configuration->Log Publishers. The handle should be used with the HSL::send command to send data to the publisher.
HslCommunication.LogNet 命名空间
A general-purpose log interface, supports the writing of 5 levels of log messages, supports setting the current message level, and defining a trigger event before a message is stored.
Configuring the High Speed Logging traffic distribution method
2015年10月16日 · Starting in BIG-IP 12.0.0, you can configure how the BIG-IP system distributes HSL traffic. You can configure the distribution method using the Distribution setting for the remote HSL log destinations. There are three options for this Distribution setting: This is the default method and uses the same distribution method as previous BIG-IP versions.
F5 High Speed Logging with Elastic Stack
2015年10月29日 · F5’s High Speed Logging (HSL) mechanism is designed to pump out as much data as can be readily consumed, with the least amount of overhead, to a pool of syslog listeners. As it happens, Elastic Stack is designed to consume data in high volume. The HSL template packs the information into a parsable string, perfect for Logstash to interpret.