HSN Code 4421 : Other articles of wood, n.e.s. - Drip Capital
Get all 6 digit and 8 digit codes and their GST Rates under HSN Code 4421 Other articles of wood, n.e.s.
GST rates and HSN code for Other Wood Products. Disclaimer: Rates given above are updated up to the GST (Rate) notification no. 05/2020 dated 16th October 2020 to the best of our …
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HSN Code 4421: Other articles of wood - clothes hangers - Credlix
4421 is the HSN Code for Other articles of wood - clothes hangers
GST Rate & HSN Code for Wood and articles of wood; wood …
GST Rates & HSN Codes for Fuel wood, Wood Charcoal. wood in the rough, Split poles, Particle board, Board of Coiur, Jute fibre - Chapter 44
HSN Code 4421 refers to "OTHER ARTICLES OF WOOD". This code is used to classify goods for import/export purposes based on their nature, composition, and intended use.
Chapter 44, HSN Code 4421 for OTHER ARTICLES OF WOOD
What is the HSN Code 4421 for OTHER ARTICLES OF WOOD? OTHER ARTICLES OF WOOD are classified under HSN code 4421. The first two digits, 44, represent the chapter for Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal, which includes OTHER ARTICLES OF WOOD. All six digits together specifically categorize this service. What Does an HSN Code Mean?
HS Code 4421 | Harmonized System Code of OTHER ARTICLES OF WOOD
Free Search HS Codes, Indian Hs Code List, ITC Harmonised System Code, HS Classifications, Search HS Code in Chapter 1 to 98, Custom Tariff Head
HSN Code & GST Rate for Wood products & Wood charcoal
2025年2月3日 · GST Rates & HSN Codes for Wood Products And Wood Charcoal - Firewood or fuel wood, Wood in chips or particles, Wood in the rough, Hoopwood - Chapter 44
GST HS Code and rates for 4421 - KnowyourGST
HS Code is internationally accepted format of coding to describe a product. All around the world same HS codes are used to discribe a product. You can use 4 digit HS code to generate your invoices. You can search GST tax rate for all products in this search box.