HSS | American Institute of Steel Construction - AISC
Hollow Structural Sections (HSS) are manufactured hollow steel sections, typically of circular, rectangular, or square cross-section. In the United States, HSS sections conform to either the …
Stee Tb Institute Brochure: Dmi ensoi ns And Secoti n Propereti s ASTM A 801 steeltbeinsttte.org 2 Dimensions and Section Properties of Round HSS 6 Dimensions and Section Properties of …
HSS Shapes - Rectangular and Square - CAD Steel North America
Welcome to our HSS - Rectangular and Square shapes free CAD downloads page! Here you'll find all Rectangular and Square shapes described by the AISC Steel shapes database …
Hollow structural section - Wikipedia
Today, HSS is commonly available in mild steel, A500 grade C. Other steel grades available for HSS are A847 (weathering steel), A1065 (large sections up to 50 inch sq made with SAW …
高速钢 - 百度百科
高速钢(HSS)是一种具有高硬度、高 耐磨性 和高 耐热性 的 工具钢,又称高速工具钢或 锋钢,俗称白钢。 高速钢是美国的F.W.泰勒和M.怀特于1898年创制的。 高速钢的 工艺性能 好, …
Hollow Structural Sections (HSS) | Steel Tube Institute
The term Hollow Structural Sections (HSS) refers to high-strength welded steel tubing used as structural elements in buildings and other structures and a variety of manufactured products. It …
High-speed steel - Wikipedia
High-speed steel (HSS or HS) is a subset of tool steels, commonly used as cutting tool material. It is superior to high-carbon steel tools in that it can withstand higher temperatures without losing …
HSS Steel | Atlas Tube
Find the best HSS steel with Atlas Tube's availability chart. Available in all shapes, sizes, and specs including ASTM A500, ASTM 1085, and CSA G40.21
What Does HSS Stand For In Steel? - Sciencing
2011年6月9日 · In the steel industry, the term "HSS" stands for hollow structural sections. According to Halin Pipe Corporation, HSS is a type of metal profile with a hollow tubular cross …
Specification/or the Design o/Steel Hollow Structural Sections is a separate document that addresses one such topic: the design and construction of building systems that utilize steel …