HT Leopard M1T pedal review - Velo
2017年8月17日 · The lightweight Leopard M1T pedals are relatively new in the HT range, and the ones best-suited to ‘cross, gravel, and XC-style mountain biking with their minimal body design …
HT Leopard M1 Pedal - Review - Pinkbike
2016年5月20日 · HT is probably best known for their many platform pedal offerings, but it's the company's new lightweight cross-country pedal that's reviewed here. A pair of the pint-sized …
尼诺同款香不香?HT M1山地锁踏使用简评 - 知乎
本篇介绍的HT锁踏XC系列,有M1和M1T两种型号。 M1T拥有密封轴承,一个挤压和数控加工铝体与数控加工钛合金主轴,重量仅252克。 M1则没有钛合金轴,重量298克,并有多种颜色可选 …
HT Leopard M1山地锁踏外媒评测 - 美骑网|Biketo.com
2016年5月22日 · HT锁踏需配合HT锁片. 售价129.99美金却只有299克,M1s具有相当高的性价比. 大多数人眼中,山地锁踏不外乎是Shimano的SPD,或是Crankbrother“打蛋器”、LOOK的专 …
HT Leopard M1 卡踏 - 測評 - Pinkbike
2016年5月20日 · 這副輕巧的 Leopard M1 重量只有 299 克,上頭 CNC 切削出的卡踏機構只適用 HT 自家系統。 有兩種版本選擇:要價 229.99 美金的 M1T 配有鈦軸心,只有 252 克。 這篇測 …
尼诺同款香不香?HT M1山地锁踏使用简评|山地车配件|评测 - 美 …
2020年5月23日 · 本篇介绍的HT锁踏XC系列,有M1和M1T两种型号。 M1T拥有密封轴承,一个挤压和数控加工铝体与数控加工钛合金主轴,重量仅252克。 M1则没有钛合金轴,重量298克, …
Spotlight: HT M1 & M1T Pedals Offer Mud Shedding, Color, …
2017年6月5日 · Picky about pedaling ergonomics? HT boasts its M1 pedal has a 1.5mm lower stack height than a Deore XT equivalent. Care about fashion? Just as Xpedo and Issi do, HT …
HT Leopard M1 and M1T Pedals - 2016 Sea Otter Classic Pit Bits ...
HT Components showed us their new Leopard M1 pedals. The new M1 pedal is available in both a chromoly and ti axle option, and weighs 298g and 252g respectively. The pedal body is …
Ht Components M1 Clipless Bike Pedals - Jenson USA
Because of their high quality, HT has gained a loyal following from riders and racers such as Aaron Gwin and Marcelo Gutierrez. This superior quality can be found in their M1 pedal. The …
HT Components M1 Leopard Pedals - Mountain Bike Action Magazine
2018年2月15日 · With stars like Aaron Gwin and Marcelo Gutierrez using their pedals on the World Cup circuit, HT has developed a loyal following of racers and riders. We tested HT’s T1 …