LMA-HTF-40/250/400, High-Temperature Tm-Doped Fiber
Coherent High-Temperature Tm-Doped Fibers (HTF) are optimized for high-power laser and amplifier applications at ~2 µm. Featuring a 40 µm core diameter and a dual cladding design with diameters of 250 µm and 400 µm, these fibers deliver …
y a Tm-doped fiber laser at ~1950-nm and can achieve 60% efficiency. The Ho-doped fiber features a unique all-glass cladding design with a 40 μm diameter Ho-doped core, a glass inner cladding diameter of 250 μm, a 320 μm 0.22NA index …
Chemie EuroTherm 250 - 超低温导热油,-40~250℃
Chemie EuroTherm 250 - Ultra Low Temperature HTF, -40~250℃, Therminol ADX-10 Equivalent, Application Temp: -40~250℃, Excellent Low Temp Fluidity, Exceptional Thermal Stability, Long Service Life, Refrigerated Heating/Circulator, Oil Bath, Microchannel Reactor, Mold Temperature Controller.
HTF系列消防高温排烟风机由上海交通大学、上虞风机厂共同研制开发,其特点有:①耐高温性能优良(在400℃高温条件下可以连续运行100分钟以上,100℃温度条件下连续运行20小时不损坏);②适用范围广根据高级民用建筑的不同要求,采用变速或多速驱动形式 ...
LMA-HTF-40/250/400, Ho-Doped Triple Clad, Optical Fiber
The Ho-doped fiber features a unique all-glass cladding design with a 40 µm diameter Ho-doped core, a glass inner cladding diameter of 250 µm, a 320 µm 0.22NA index depressed outer glass cladding for the pump radiation and a fluoroacrylate outer polymer jacket (40/250/320/400).
HFT-40 ディジタル表面温度計 安立計器 | 計測器 | TechEyesOnline
本器は、最新のマイクロコンピュータ技術を十分に 生かしたハンディタイプのハイファンクション温度 計です。 マイクロコンビュータが常時、計測テータ をチェックしてテジタル澱算で補正を行いますので、 艫めて安定した高精度温度計測が可能となります。 当社の4000に及ぶセンサをこ利用頂きますと、表 面温度はもちろんのこと、液体温度、空気温度など、 広範囲に渡る温度計測が可能てす。 カタログ倉庫で関連資料の検索をお願いします。 該当するカタログ …
特点: 耐高温性能优、效率高、安装方便、运行可靠(可生产单速、双速、变频无级调速、屋顶式消防排烟风机及防爆消防型特种风机)并获得消防产品许可证。 用途: 高层民用建筑、烘箱、隧道、地下车库和特种工矿企业等消防高温排烟、排风。 1、HTF (GYF)系列消防高温排烟轴流通风机由上海交通大学和上虞通风机有限公司联合研制开发,具有性能优良、耐高温性能好、效率高、占地比离心风机少,安装方便等特点。 2、HTF(GYF)系列消防高温排烟轴流通风机经国家 …
Chemie EuroTherm 250 - Ultra Low Temperature HTF, -40~250℃
Chemie EuroTherm 250 - Ultra Low Temperature HTF, -40~250℃, Therminol ADX-10 Equivalent, Application Temp: -40~250℃, Excellent Low Temp Fluidity, Exceptional Thermal Stability, Long Service Life, Refrigerated Heating/Circulator, Oil Bath, Microchannel Reactor, Mold Temperature Controller.
Tarksol HTF 40 | CleanerSolutions Database: A Simple Solution for ...
Using both quantitative data and qualitative input, the tool can rate each category based on endpoints that correlate with values, key phrases, Global Harmonizing System (GHS) classifications, and other government agencies designations. Scores will range from 2 to 10 with the lower score being more desirable.
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SL-HTF FG-40 is formulated to meet HT-1 food grade requirements without compromising performance or fluid life. It utilizes the purest base stocks that are free from impurities and aromatic compounds common in many heat transfer fluids today. SL-HTF FG-40 is rated for applications up to 621°F (327°C) NSF HT-1 registered.
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