Chevron HTF P-200 - Chevron Lubricants (US)
Chevron HTF P-200 is a single phase, silicate free, propylene glycol (USP) based heat transfer fluid concentrate. Recommended for use in industrial cooling and heating systems that require …
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Chevron HTF P-200 is a multi-purpose heat transfer fluid formulated with USP propylene glycol. The Chevron HTF P-200 formulation is free of nitrites, amines and silicates. Extensive laboratory simulated service and actual service tests have proven the effectiveness of this coolant in helping to prevent corrosion.
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Chevron HTF P-150 provides antifoam properties, and rust and corrosion protection for brass, copper, solder, steel and cast iron. Chevron HTF P-150 mixes readily with clean tap water and is compatible with cooling system additive filters and liquid supplemental additives.
HTF系列消防高温排烟风机由上海交通大学、上虞风机厂共同研制开发,其特点有:①耐高温性能优良(在400℃高温条件下可以连续运行100分钟以上,100℃温度条件下连续运行20小时不损坏);②适用范围广根据高级民用建筑的不同要求,采用变速或多速驱动形式,以达到一机二用,即常用通排风和消防使用时高温排烟的目的);③效率高;④安装方便,占地较离心风机小。 该系列风机已荣获国家级“星火”奖,获国家专利证书,浙江省技术进步奖等。
Stata:各类全要素生产率TFP估算方法 - CSDN博客
2021年8月7日 · 提要:本文介绍了文献中使用的各类全要素生产率 TFP 估算方法,并提供了对应的 Stata 代码。 1. 引言. 2. 控制函数方法简介. 3. 全要素生产率估计的 Stata 操作. 4. 实例演 …
应用 HTF-P 的设计广泛适用于多种对腐蚀保护至关重要的工业热传递应用, 其中包括暖气, 通风, 空调(HVAC)系统, 加工冷却和加热应用。
Chevron Lubricants Coolants Chevron HTF P-150 - Datasheet …
Chevron HTF P-150 is an inhibited propylene glycol used as a heavy duty industrial coolant and heat transfer agent. The inhibitor system is designed to protect brass, copper, solder, steel, cast iron, aluminum, and other metals commonly found in industrial cooling and heating systems.
Chevron HTF P-200 | Chevron Lubricants (Canada)
Chevron HTF P-200 is a single phase, silicate free, propylene glycol (USP) based heat transfer fluid concentrate. Meeting the requirements of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for …
HTF-P型高温消防排烟风机 | 厦门欣鹭江机械
SGF系列高效、低噪声斜流式管道风机,广泛适用于民用建筑的通风空调工程,以及其它各种工业生产领域, 替代低压离心式风机,节省投资和占地、简化设计、方便安装、在轴流式风机的压力满足不了要求的管道通 风场合,用斜流式管道风机是最佳的选择。
Chevron HTF P-150 Product Use: Industrial Coolant Product Number(s): 275115