Blohm & Voss Ha 139 - Wikipedia
The Blohm & Voss Ha 139 was a four-engined all-metal inverted gull wing floatplane designed and built by the German aircraft manufacturer Blohm & Voss.At the time of the first aircraft's …
苗条帅气的水上飞机,德国Ha139水上飞机,还曾参与二战 - 哔哩 …
但是Ha 139本身并不是为军用设计,它机体太小、航速较慢、升限太低,不太适用于军事人员、物资运输,Ha 142陆基版本倒是具备在上千千米航程上运输30名全副武装士兵的能力。不知道 …
Blohm & Voss Ha 139: Largest Float Plane Ever - PlaneHistoria
2023年3月3日 · The Ha 139 was used on transatlantic routes from German coastal ports to Natal, Brazil and as far afield to locations in Africa such as Bathurst in the Gambia. As Blohm & Voss …
Blohm & Voss Ha 139 | Military Wiki - Fandom
The Blohm & Voss Ha 139 was a German all-metal inverted gull wing floatplane.With its four engines it was at the time one of the largest float-equipped seaplanes that had been built. The …
Blohm and Voss Ha 139 Seaplane / Floatplane Cargo Aircraft
2019年7月1日 · The Ha 139 was not developed to any Luftwaffe military requirement of the time but rather a long-range, trans-Atlantic mail/cargo route and flew in this manner for carrier …
2021年3月11日 · Ha 139水上飞机空重10340千克,最大起飞重量19000千克,机长20.07米,翼展29.5米,机翼面积130㎡,机高4.8米,飞机巡航速度为238千米每小时,经济飞行速度200千 …
Blohm & Voss Ha 139 - Wikiwand
The Blohm & Voss Ha 139 was a German all-metal inverted gull wing floatplane. With its four engines it was at the time one of the largest float-equipped seaplanes that had been built. The …
Blohm und Voss(布洛姆-福斯公司)Ha 139_德国军用飞 …
Ha 139是由二战时期位于德国汉堡的布洛姆-福斯公司飞机生产部研制的一种浮筒式远程海上侦察反舰巡逻机。 该机采用浮筒式着陆架,上反的欧式单翼设计,两翼上各装备有两具发动机, …
舰R百科-HA-139 - zjsnrwiki.com
A German Long‐Range Seaplane: The Blohm und Voss Ha 139 …
Ostensibly the Ha 139 was designed and built, like the Dornier Do 26, for the experimental German air mail services across the North and South Atlantic. In view of the present situation, …