OSC - Processing Ha/Sii narrowband filters with siril?
2024年11月3日 · Run OSC_Extract_HAOIII script for photos from each filter (Ha/OIII and SII/OIII filters) separately. You'll need separate folder structures for each filter with your Bias, Dark, and Flat frames (you should have flats dedicated for each …
Narrowband information - Sara Wager Astrophotography
Here is the narrowband data for NGC1491. This is Ha, OIII and SII data taken through 3nm Astrodon filters. Here you can see that you really do get different structure and detail coming through in each filter.
Extracting OIII, HA, SII with OSC camera - Cloudy Nights
2024年12月4日 · Best way is use a very narrow HA/Oiii dual band filter (Altair is 4nm, Player One is 3.75, I think), and a narrow Oiii/Sii dual band filter (I like the Altair for both). Then use DBXtract in pixinsight, which will use information about your sensor to make the splits.
OSC imaging with dual band filters - Ha/Oiii plus Sii/Oiii - Cloudy …
2024年10月31日 · Just tried expressions for three channels: Ha/Sii/Oiii. Worked quite well producing the output similar to Foraxx Utility but not as red. However, I tried to process same Ha/Sii/Oiii data but with only two channels included: Ha/Oiii (HOO) - the result was completely identical to Ha/Sii/Oiii!
Ha+OIII+Sii | PixInsight Forum
2012年1月5日 · If the SII image is relatively weak and Ha is not saturated, as often happens, one can improve the rendition significantly by altering the expressions to remove the saturation constraint. For example, the following palette has given very good results: SII + 0.8*Ha 0.2*Ha + OIII OIII You can see an example here. You'll have to vary the constants ...
业余天文滤镜 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
最常用的窄带滤镜(narrow bandpass filter--NB filter)是Ha(656.3nm),SII(671.6nm),OIII(500.7nm&496nm),这是根据星云的发射线而设计的滤镜,能够有效的提高该波段的对比度,突出目标天体中含有该波段的细节和层次,同时有效的抑制了其他波段,通常搭配黑白相机 ...
Modified Bicolor Technique for combining Ha and OIII images
The technique described below accomplishes these goals by creating a novel synthetic green channel ("sG"), by using data from Ha and OIII. I refer to the final color composite as Ha:sG:OIII. The colors are pleasing and are representative of Ha (red) and OIII (blue), ionization fronts are yellow, and the stars do not have halos (although they ...
Alright...I've got Ha, Oiii and Sii data...what now? Pixinsight ...
2023年8月10日 · The simplest combination is R=Ha, G=Oiii, B=Oiii. But you can use different blends. For example, R=Ha, G=0.3*Ha+0.7*Oiii,B=Oiii will make the Ha orange instead of red.
Antlia ALP-T Dual Narrowband 3nm OIII & H-a Filter for f/4
The Antlia ALP-T Dualband 3nm Ha&OIII Filter is a dual narrowband filter, which lets the red H-alpha (656.3nm) and the blue-green OIII (500.7nm) lines through and is primarily engineered for color cameras to assist astrophotographers taking deep sky images with superior SNR (Signal to …
Antlia ALP-T Dual Narrowband OIII (5nm) & H-a (5nm) Filter for …
The advanced multi-coatings on our ALP-T ultra dual band filter effectively isolates the red Ha and the blue-green OIII lines light from emission nebulae, with almost total suppression of optical density (OD) 4.5 on unwanted wavelengths from light pollution, moonlight, and airglow.
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