Asia's highest! China's deepwater jacket 'Haiji-1' starts operation
2022年10月3日 · The Haiji-1, located in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, south China's Guangdong Province, has a total height of up to 340.5 meters, and weighs up to 40,000 tonnes, setting new records of China's offshore oil production platform and symbolizing a new model in deep-sea oil and gas exploration.
Asia's deepest deep-water offshore jacket platform "Haiji No.1" …
2022年10月3日 · The "Haiji No.1" platform is located in eastern oilfields in the South China Sea, and is installed under 286 meters deep in the sea, with a total height of 340.5 meters and a weight over 40,000 tons.
Offshore Oil & Gas_海洋石油工程股份有限公司
2024年11月4日 · The core facility of the project is Lufeng 15-1 jacket “Haiji-1”, which is 302 meters high and weighs 30,000 tons. Project highlights: Deepwater jacket “Haiji-1” , the first 300m deepwater jacket in Asia, is designed to withstand extreme sea states with a return period of 100 years. COOEC has overcome many challenges associated with ...
Live: China-developed 300-meter deepwater jacket, Asia's first
2022年4月11日 · Asia's first 300-meter deepwater jacket "Haiji-1," developed in China, is being installed in the South China Sea. The jacket is 302 meters high and weighs up to 30,000 tonnes. Deepwater jackets are structures that pin to the seafloor to support offshore oil and gas production facilities.
Asia's First Deepwater Jacket Put into Operation - sasac.gov.cn
2022年10月9日 · Based on Haiji One, Lufeng 15-1 and Lufeng 22-1 oil fields with 14 production wells and three water injection wells are under development. Once operational, their peak daily output is expected to reach 5,000 tons, which will serve as a new driving force to the economic and social development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.
China's deepwater jacket project Haiji-1 completes testing
2022年7月16日 · "During the Haiji-1's sea trials, we encountered Typhoon Chaba. The team, after making reasonable arrangement of the testing plan by ensuring working staff in advance, effectively overcame the impact of adverse weather conditions. It took 57 days in total to complete the testing of 37 major systems, 74 equipment of stand-alone systems, the fire ...
China installs deepwater jacket for offshore oil development - 新华网
2022年4月13日 · The Haiji-1 deepwater jacket measures 302 meters in total height and 30,000 tonnes in weight, and this is the first time for China to install a fixed jacket in a water depth of nearly 300 meters. Jackets are structures pinned to the seafloor to support offshore oil and gas production facilities.
海基一号 - 百度百科
2022年2月28日,中国海油发布消息,“海基一号”在广东珠海顺利完工。 [1] 标志着我国在超大型海洋油气平台导管架设计建造技术上取得新突破,开创了我国中深海油气资源开发的新模式,对保障国家能源安全、提升深海资源开发能力具有重要意义。 [2] 3月15日,由海洋石油工程股份有限公司 …
“海基一号”投用 高度和重量刷新我国海上单体石油生产平台纪录_新 …
2022年10月4日 · 3日,由中国海油自主设计建造的亚洲第一深水导管架平台“海基一号”投用,标志着我国成功开辟了深水固定式平台油气开发新模式。“海基一号”位于珠江口盆地海域,平台总高度达340.5米、总重量超4万吨,高度和重量均刷新了我国海上单体石油生产平台纪录。
China’s ‘Haiji No.1’ begins operations: All about Asia’s deepest ...
2022年10月4日 · The ‘Haiji No.1’ platform is installed 286 meters deep in the sea, with a total height of 340.5 meters and a weight of over 40,000 tons as per Global Times. The newspaper quoted CNOOC’s WeChat account as saying this is a new record in terms of both height and weight for a single oil production platform. Significance