Scrubmaster B8 - Hako
The walk-behind scrubber-drier Scrubmaster B8 provides excellent results in confined areas that cannot be accessed by conventional scrubber-driers – for example in restaurants, canteens, sanitary facilities or small retail shops.
B8 Walk-behind Scrubber Drier | Scrubmaster B8 | Hako
Superior Cleaning in Tight Spaces: The walk-behind Scrubmaster B8 delivers exceptional cleaning results in confined areas where conventional scrubber-driers can’t reach, such as restaurants, canteens, and small retail shops. Its compact 33 cm working width, 8-litre solution and recovery tanks, and flexible operating bar allow for efficient ...
at a glance and replaced quickly and easily if required. And the machine’s (B8) lithium battery can be changed just as effortlessly. The recovery tank can be removed to enable easy cleaning of the Scrubmaster B/E8 when the job is finished. And the scrubber drier’s foldable handle bar allows quick transport to the next
德国哈高网站 哈高清洁系统(上海)有限公司-与B8相遇的日子都 …
如果工作中拥有一台Hako的明星产品——B8. 那么,一定会轻松很多. 清洁无死角. 机身小巧、结构紧凑. 可翻转的操作手柄. B/E8即便在窄小空间也可自由灵动地操控. 让清洁再无死角。 小身材,大能力. 在常规洗地机无法涉足的紧凑窄小空间里, B/E8可表现出 ...
德国哈高网站 哈高清洁系统(上海)有限公司-hako-清扫机-冲洗 …
城市管家系列之Citymaster 1600多功能清洁车可实现主干道、自行车道,人行道及商业广场,公园绿地的完美清洁。 即使在苛刻的作业条件下,Sweepmaster 1500吸尘扫地机也可经济地完成所有长期必需的商业需求,强大的引擎,不同类型的驱动,高效的清扫装置和高性能的过滤系统。 Scrubmaster B175R 动力强劲的全自动驾驶式洗地机可在15%坡道上高效清洁,如履平地,因此在机场、工业厂房、仓储物流、地下停车库、商超卖场、商务楼宇等大型综合体的地面清洁表现 …
The Scrubmaster B/E8 provides excellent results in confi ned areas that cannot be accessed by conventional scrubber-driers. Particularly compact and manoeuvrable, this machine allows cleaning both in forward and reverse mode at maximum cleaning performance. The cleaning process starts at the push of a button.
View and Download HAKO Scrubmaster B8 instruction manual online. Scrubmaster B8 scrubber pdf manual download. Also for: 7739.10, 7739.20.
德国哈高网站 哈高清洁系统(上海)有限公司-B8 - hako.cn
销售和投诉热线:4006299178 售后服务热线:4000018061
Cleaning Machine - Hako Scrubmaster B8
The Scrubmaster B8 is a highly efficient, compact floor scrubber-drier designed to handle cleaning tasks in small, confined spaces where traditional machines can't reach. Its exceptional manoeuvrability makes it perfect for areas with tight corners, allowing cleaning in both forward and reverse directions, ensuring maximum productivity.
Scrubmaster B8 - Hako
Die Walk-behind-Scheuersaugmaschine Scrubmaster B8 steht für ausgezeichnete Ergebnisse in beengten Bereichen, die herkömmliche Scheuersaugmaschinen nicht erreichen können – wie beispielsweise in Restaurants, Kantinen, Sanitäranlagen oder kleineren Shops.