Hang Qi
Built with Jekyll and Bootstrap. Paleo is an analytical model to estimate the scalability and performance of deep learning systems. It can be used for efficiently exploring the space of scalable deep learning systems and quickly diagnosing their effectiveness for …
Hang Qi - Google Scholar
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Virtual Reality …
Hang QI(齐航) - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
An empirical study focusing on ridesharing. Investigating and modeling day-to-day route choices based on laboratory experiments. Part II: a route-dependent attraction-based stochastic process model.
Hang Qiu
I am an Assistant Professor of ECE and CSE at the University of California, Riverside, where I lead the Collaborative Intelligence Systems Lab (CISL) which innovates in cooperative robots and networked autonomous systems.
Hang Qi - Google Scholar
Hang Qi. Assistant Professor, Department of Government and Public Administration, University of Macau. Verified email at um.edu.mo - Homepage. Social Welfare Policy Fiscal Policy Immigration Policy Health Policy Public Opinion. ... H Qi, J Haselswerdt. American Politics Research, ...
HANG QI | 齊航 - Home
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Government and Public Administration at the University of Macau. I study public policy and comparative politics. I am especially interested in social welfare policy, fiscal policy, public opinion, and political economy.
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Hang Qi CV
⚫ Hang Qi. “Immigration, Beneficiary Assumptions, and Welfare Support.” ⚫ Hang Qi and Jake Haselswerdt. “Immigration and Welfare Attitudes: Do Personal Interactions Matter?” ⚫ Hang Qi and Michelangelo Landgrave. “Effects of Immigrant Characteristics on Welfare Attitudes: Experimental Evidence.”
Hang QI | Associate Professor | Doctor of Management
Hang QI, Associate Professor | Cited by 108 | of Hubei University of Economics, Wuhan | Read 16 publications | Contact Hang QI
QiHang - gpafss
Dr. Qi Hang is Assistant Professor of Public Administration at the University of Macau. He earned a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Missouri (USA), M.S. in Taxation from Capital University of Economics and Business (China) and B.A. in Economics from Henan University of Economics and Law (China).
Research - HANG QI | 齊航
My research focuses on social welfare policy, fiscal policy, public opinion, immigration, comparative politics, comparative public policy, and political economy. Qi Hang. “Ideological Asymmetry and Public Attitudes toward Redistribution.” Forthcoming at Public Opinion Quarterly.
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