Hanzii - Mandarin Chinese dictionary Free
Hanzii - a free Chinese learning website and a traditional & simplified Chinese dictionary. Look up words easily with radicals, handwriting, and camera.
汉字屋 - 汉字笔顺笔画查询
Chinese character 七 (qi1) components and definition (seven, 7)
Chinese Character 七 Meanings and components. Seven. 7. Its radical [1] is: 一 (yi1) which means: One, 1, Single, A (Article), As Soon As, Entire, Whole, All, Throughout, 'One' Radical In Chinese Characters (Kangxi Radical 1), Also Pr. [Yao1] For Greater Clarity When Spelling Out Numbers Digit By Digit, . 一 yi1 one. In cangjie it is written with JU.
( seven in Chinese) - Han Trainer English-Chinese and Chinese …
You're listening to the natural voice of a native speaker of Mandarin Chinese. "How do I write 七 ( qī ) correctly?" The strokes that all Chinese characters are composed of are to be written in a certain order which has originally been defined by Chinese calligraphy.
七 - Chinese Character Detail Page
Learn more details about 七 Chinese character and share your story, photos and comments about it. Also check out the example sentences for the character.
7画的字_总笔画(七)画的字 - 康熙字典
7画的字一共有2701个,笔画7 (七)画的字包括有妍、妙、妤、肖、良、良、轩、岚、材、灿、芳、园、岑、妞、言、财、皂、志、彤、飏、进、希、秀、伶、辰、辰、更、沐、更、沛、宏、妗、钊、杉、克、佑、旸、冏、闳、冷、利、牡、冷、利、丽、杏、灵、坚 ...
百度汉语 - 更懂汉语,更懂你
Learn how to write 七 through stroke order & printable worksheets
Learn the stroke order of the Chinese character 七 and write it correctly according to the standardized stroke order.
Read and write Chinese characters - 读写汉字 - 学中文
Generate Chinese word, sentence, and Pinyin scrambles for classroom and home use. This tool can intelligently detect commonly-used words in the sentences and can generate scrambles without splitting the words. Design custom-themed Chinese writing paper for seasonal activities or themed Chinese lessons using the Themed Chinese Writing Paper Creator.
爱汉字网 - 汉字学习助手,免费字帖生成工具 - 2hanzi.com