Harmaline - Wikipedia
Harmaline is a central nervous system stimulant and a "reversible inhibitor of MAO-A ". [2] This means that the risk of a hypertensive crisis, a dangerous high blood pressure crisis from eating tyramine -rich foods such as cheese, is likely lower with harmaline than with irreversible MAOIs such as phenelzine .
Harmaline | C13H14N2O | CID 3564 - PubChem
Harmaline | C13H14N2O | CID 3564 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety/hazards/toxicity information, supplier lists, and more.
Harmala alkaloid - Wikipedia
The alkaloids include harmine, harmaline, harmalol, and their derivatives, which have similar chemical structures, hence the name "harmala alkaloids". These alkaloids are of interest for their use in Amazonian shamanism , where they are derived from other plants.
Pharmacological and therapeutic effects of Peganum harmala and …
Recent years of research has demonstrated different pharmacological and therapeutic effects of P. harmala and its active alkaloids, especially harmine and harmaline. Analytical studies on the chemical composition of the plant show that the most important constituents of this plant are beta-carboline alkaloids such as harmalol, harmaline, and ...
Harmaline: Uses, Interactions, Mechanism of Action - DrugBank …
Harmaline may increase the central nervous system depressant (CNS depressant) activities of Zolpidem. Zomepirac The risk or severity of hypertension can be increased when Zomepirac is combined with Harmaline.
Harmane (哈尔满碱) - 仅供科研 | MAO抑制剂 | MCE
Harmane 抑制螺哌啶醇和血清素,IC 50 分别为 163 μM 和 101 μM 。 Harmane 对苯二氮卓类受体氟硝西泮的 IC 50 为 7 μM,对毒蕈碱型乙酰胆碱受体 (QNB) 的 IC 50 为 24 μM,对阿片受体在的 IC 50 为 2.8 μM,在含 50 mM 钠离子存在下,对阿片受体在的 IC 50 为 42 μM,对螺哌啶醇和血清素的 IC 50 为 163,101 μM 。
β-咔啉生物碱“ harmaline”的最新药理学进展 ... - X-MOL
从植物的各个部位分离出的其他生物碱,如harmine,harmalol和vasicine,就其药用重要性而言,harmaline被认为是最有价值的。 在过去的十年中,对Harmaline进行了广泛的研究,已知其具有多种药理作用,包括抗衰老,抗微生物,抗血小板,抗血浆,抗肿瘤,低温和血管 ...
哈尔满碱 - 百度百科
大致区分为下列3种:(1)哈尔马拉生物碱(harmala alkaloid):为俄国南部及印度出产的红色染料植物Peganumharmala所含有的生物碱,如哈梅灵(二氢骆驼蓬碱=harmaline,用作驱虫药, 中枢神经兴奋剂 ,胺氧化阻抑剂),哈尔明碱(骆驼蓬碱=harmine,C13H12OH2,此种物质 ...
Recent pharmacological developments in β-carboline alkaloid “harmaline …
2013年12月5日 · Harmaline is considered as the most suitable antileishmanial alkaloid as compared to its analogs such as harmane and harmine due to its non-toxicity towards the human cells. Harmaline showed weak inhibition in the growth of Leishmania promastigotes, however it exerted a strong antileishmanial activity toward the amastigote form of the parasite ...
harmaline - 百度百科