What exactly are harmonics and how do they "appear"?
2012年5月21日 · Sinusoidal waves don't have harmonics because it's exactly sine waves which combined can construct other waveforms. The fundamental wave is a sine, so you don't need to add anything to make it the sinusoidal signal. About the oscilloscope. Many signals have a large number of harmonics, some, like a square wave, in theory infinite.
WHY do harmonics happen? - Music: Practice & Theory Stack …
2012年2月18日 · Harmonics are present on a guitar string primarily because they are excited already when you pluck the string. When you pluck the string you deflect it in a triangular shape, and Fourier transform of this shape defines the harmonic content.
How do harmonics work? - Music: Practice & Theory Stack Exchange
2011年8月28日 · The harmonics that are n * k * f0 (for all k in natural numbers, and f0 the frequency of the open string) are the ones that are not muted. For example if the least number of divisions for your finger placement is 3, the unmuted harmonics are …
What's the difference between overtones and harmonics?
2014年11月9日 · When you play A5 (880Hz fundamental) it is composed of 880, 1760, 2640... Note that the set of harmonics in the 880Hz sound is only a subset of those in the 440Hz sound. Our ability to identify the separation between the harmonics is an integral component of how we perceive pitch, as shown by sounds where the fundamental is missing. Thus, the ...
filter - Understanding sawtooth wave harmonics - Electrical …
2021年7月17日 · No! The spectrum of a signal is property of the signal, no matter how you constructed that signal: same signal, same harmonics. Don't hesitate to correct my understanding of how the sawtooth is built in the first place. It doesn't matter how it's built - a sawtooth has exactly the harmonics every sawtooth has :)
Why are there no "even" harmonics in AC machines?
2018年10月16日 · The harmonics increase as the current enters the soft saturation region, yet still remain ODD multiples as long as the non-linear soft saturation curve is symmetrical . Thus the only time you would get even harmonics in a magnetic material is if …
harmonics - What is the correct relationship between active, …
2022年12月19日 · These values match and I have showed them in the output of my copied script below. There is no active power by higher harmonics, since the voltage does not have higher harmonics. And the same is true for reactive power of both fundamental and higher harmonics: this is zero for the fundamental harmonic since the voltage and current are in-line.
power quality - what causes voltage harmonics - Electrical …
2018年3月6日 · Harmonics are a result of our mathematics, where correlation transfers energy into narrow-band filters or basis-functions of the Fourier math. Fast rise and fall times will correlate with anything; a reoccurrence of the fast edge, of the same polarity, but exactly one period (of the narrow band filter) later will produce an interesting behavior.
Sources of Harmonics(Odd and Even) - Electrical Engineering Stack …
The question of "sources of harmonics" is sort of a chicken and egg question. You can generate a waveform by combining harmonics, or you can generate harmonics by producing a waveform. Usually, the second meaning is what is used. The harmonics are generated by whatever process created the waveform.
Why do harmonics sound good? - Music: Practice & Theory Stack …
2016年5月26日 · To my ears, more harmonics means more sonic information. In other words, additional timbre and 'dirt' gives a sound additional characteristics. Further, most sounds (excluding perfect waveform emulation like a sine wave) tend to have higher sounds as part of their base sound (aka - harmonics).