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HASCO Hasenclever GmbH + Co KG Römerweg 4 58513 Lüdenscheid Germany. Telephone:- + 49 2351 957 - 0. E Mail:- [email protected]. Impress ...
HASCO is a comprehensive automotive parts system integration supplier providing advanced technologies, reliable products and high-quality services to major OEMs worldwide for more than 30 years, covering 40+ business fields.
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Der HASCO Newsletter informiert Sie über neue Produktlösungen, Kundenevents sowie wichtige Neuigkeiten aus dem Hause HASCO. Jetzt anmelden. Ich habe die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und die Datenschutzerklärung gelesen und erkläre mich mit ihnen einverstanden. Produkte . K-Normalien . P-Normalien . Z-Normalien .
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Published March 5, 2020 at 276 × 80 in cropped-Hasco-Horizontal-04-RGB-Large-1.png.
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cropped-hasco-logo-3.png. Published March 5, 2020 at 400 × 137 in cropped-hasco-logo-3.png.
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As a leading manufacturer of modular high-quality standard mould units and individually designed hot runner systems, HASCO offers innovative and economical solutions for designers, mouldmakers and injection moulders from a single source. With more than 100,000 products from a single source, we are the full-service provider for modern mouldmaking.
HASCO VISION has an internationally advanced technical center and globally recognized testing and validation capabilities. The company provides design, development, manufacturing, and innovative product research and development for automotive lighting for domestic and international vehicle manufacturers.
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