schedule 40 pvc hay rings - CattleToday.com
2005年3月17日 · Has anyone experimented with making hay rings out of schedule 40 pvc thick wall 2" tubing? If so did you do them in an octogon/pentagon design rather than round? The metal ones are expensive and it seems only last 3-4 years because of the environment they sit in.
Which hay ring? | CattleToday.com - Cattle, Cow & Ranching …
2018年9月23日 · I have researched this a lot. The poly rings will last a whole lot longer than the traditional metal rings. Some of them come in a cone design and are just like the metal ones. The chain rings have the least waste. But they are pretty expensive. I am leaning toward my next purchase being the poly non-cone rings. (they are extremely light too!)
Hay rings with the skirts at the bottom - CattleToday.com
2019年1月3日 · The sheeted bottom hay rings reduce waste by about 5%-6% of the total bale weight. The cone feeders with a sheeted bottom are by far the best, but I am not sure the added cost is worth it. Personally, I am going to start buying the poly hay rings. They are more expensive on the front end, but look like they last much much longer.
Move hay rings/feeders or leave in one spot? - CattleToday.com
2007年12月22日 · The hay ring post below got me to think what folks do as far as moving hay rings through the winter or just leave them in one spot. I am leaning more toward leaving them in one spot to concentrate the manure/dropped hay in …
Hay rings with the skirts at the bottom - CattleToday.com
2017年7月8日 · I went to using the Powder River hay rings. They cost about double what the cheap ones do but seem to last 4 times longer. I brought two of them with me when I moved. I don't know what I will do with them here because over 90% of the hay is put into big squares.
Home made poly hay rings - CattleToday.com
2024年2月4日 · Anyone ever made homemade poly hay rings . Former student is giving me a pretty good size coil of 3-4 inch poly tubing . Used for a natural gas line it was left over and now can’t be used because of some regulation . Wondering what to use for the upright posts and how to connect the pipe/rings ?
Hay rings | CattleToday.com - Cattle, Cow & Ranching Community
2003年1月6日 · > they will last forever. Hay rings > don't have to be round, they can > be hexagonal or octagonal or even > square. > Jason we call them round bale feeders we use square tubing 1 1/4" for the rings 1" for the deviders and sheet metal 1/8" to cover the bottom two rings (this stops hay loss) they last for years I can weld one up in about four ...
Hay Rings | CattleToday.com - Cattle, Cow & Ranching Community
2010年1月6日 · But return on investment is crutial to our bottom line. EVERYTHING has to be cost effective. If I was short of hay, I could purchase hay and save money vs the amount of hay saved. If you feed 100 bales a year, the savings is 2.6 bales. And if you are getting an excessive amount of waste - I say it's management more than the type of feeder.
Plastic hay rings | CattleToday.com - Cattle, Cow & Ranching …
2017年1月10日 · I have 3 of the black plastic rings that are 9-10 years old. They are very durable. My only complaint is the that the mature cows push them around and waste a lot more hay than the red metal hay rings that MFA sells locally. I wish I knew how to post a video.
Best hay ring?? | CattleToday.com - Cattle, Cow & Ranching …
2014年1月26日 · A couple years ago I saw one of the suspended style hay rings advertised saying cattle would not waste hay with them so I built one. I saw no change in the amount of wasted hay. One of the magazines I get, might have been Forage magazine, came out with an article a couple months ago on a study about hay waste. They looked at three feeding methods.